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I just downloaded the "Adventurers and Travellers of Skyrim" mod and the "Immersive Patrols" mod. I have to admit adventuring and exploring was a lot more awesome. I tagged along with a party of adventurers. We actually made it to Windhelm lol (not without trouble ofc) We also bumped into some fellow travellers and Imperial Patrols. These are must have mods for me, they make Skyrim feel alive! You're not the only one adventuring anymore. I would like some more of these please, got any to suggest? Like maybe More imperial and stormcloak camps? An alive wilderness? Things that make Skyrim feel alive! I'm playing this alongside Deadly Dragons, Warzones: Civil Unrest and Skyrim Monster Mod. I tell you it gets crazy in a hurry.


sorry for the cheesy english, not my native language

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