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Dawnguard - Seeing the Unseen Double bug (Spoilers)


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The first bug is that when I gather the seven moth swarms and stand in the light, using the Elder Scroll doesn't do anything except show a book window with no book.

To get past that I used the console to advance the quest, but that lead into bug two.

Now I have this weird globe aura around me, it's quite bright and makes seeing quite difficult. It goes away if I morph into Vampire Lord, but when I revert and go into first person mode it comes back. If I stay in third person, it doesn't appear, however that is quite the impractical solution. Anyone know of a way to remove the aura or would be able to patch a fix?




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Edited by Cereburus
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Hey Man whats up , i had the same problem so my advice is to ognore reading the scrolls at all , do not gather the moth and read the scroll , just right after you enter the cave door bring up the console and type


SetStage DLC1VQ06 200


you'll get notified that the quest is completed and now you can go get "auriel bow" which is another quest completly

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