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Thoughts on releasing alpha/beta build mods?


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Hi everyone, I have a few mods that I'm working on, and one big one in particular that is very almost playable but not all the features are up and running yet, my mod will definitely need play testing and bug reporting before any 1.0 release, so is it worth it to upload an alpha/beta to the nexus, or would it be better to wait until the mod is more polished?


There's also a LOT more that I want to add to the mod - would it be better to periodically update the mod page or to just save it and release it all as one?

- And in the same vein, would it be best to leave new content that I'm working on in the mod, or to completely strip the mod down to just the fully implemented features for release?


Does the nexus allow you to put up a beta and then put up the 1.0 version as a new mod or would you have to put the 1.0 version on the beta page?


Thanks for any advice guys ^.^

Edited by SandMouseAnarchy
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I have in last few years begun releasing my mods as alpha / beta on initial release, simply so that users will hopefully take some precautions. Mostly it is just in case my mod conflicts badly with others in their load order or if there is a major bug I wasn't able to find in testing. So that's my take on it.

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Thanks Reneer ^.^ that was my thinking too ^.^ I'm just not able to put in as much time to the mod as I once did, hell I've rebuilt the thing twice now since loosing my backups - but at the same time I wouldn't want anyone to see the mod as being only half done. Maybe releasing in beta would be good to avoid all that ^.^
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