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Creation kit crashes


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On character/npc creation whenever I choose a default outfit, and go to preview the model. I will receive a warning "MODELS:Bone 'NPC L Breast' not found for part 'BASE meshes\clothes\Prisoner\PrisonerClothes_F_1.nif'. Requested by 'Lyla' model 'NPC. When I click on yes to all or yes to disable all warning the creation kit will freeze and later crash. This happens for any default outfit. Now the files with extension '.nif' are all there in those locations, so it's not like I'm missing those files, but it seems to me that the files themselves are somehow corrupt.

Anyone have any solutions?

Besides getting the original "Meshes" folder for the game I'm not sure how to fix this problem.


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  • 1 year later...

To get the vanilla Skyrim files you will have to get a bsa editor like FO3archiver. [There are others but I do not know what they are called.] But first, check your load list to see if it is trying to load your mod.


Have you tried moving or renaming your skeleton so the CK defaults to the vanilla skeleton?


From what you are saying the prisoner clothes are 'free' in the meshes\clothes folders and are overwriting the bsa files?


I may have to break my game in order to find a solution...

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  • 9 months later...

Hi all--I've been searching the internet for a solution to the problem posed by this post, but haven't found anything yet, so I'm resurrecting it. (Hope this isn't against any of the rules.)


I, too, am having a similar error when loading the Tamriel worldspace in the Creation Kit. It reads: "MODELS: BONE 'NPC Belly' not found for part 'BASEdata\Meshes\armor\imperial\f\cuirassheavy_0.nif'. Requested by 'Legate Rikke' model 'NPC'.


When I click "Yes to all", like I do with most of the little errors the CK throws at me, the game freezes and then crashes. I'm running the game through MO, if that affects anything. I hope it isn't the Requiem mod interfering with the original data. Is that a possibility?

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  • 2 years later...

I've not had this crash, but it sounds to me like you have installed a mod that changes the vanilla body, am I right?

What you could try is the following:
Go into the data folder.
Copy your 'meshes' folder to a safe place, make sure it is completely safe, and then delete it from your skyrim data folder.

Now start the creation kit and see if that helped.

If you want to play the game again, just copy your meshes folder back into the skyrim data folder and play.

Also make sure you have the meshes folder back there when installing, deinstalling or updating any mods.

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Yes, I was trying to use a bodyslide CBBE HDT body.


Moving the meshes folder worked in the sense that it no longer crashes when I preview the body, but I don't know what the actual fix is since removing the folder just makes the body invisible.




Apparently I had actually done everything right, the preview menu and cell render just can't handle bouncing boobies or something. Doing as you said works fine, just temporarily remove meshes, place the actor wherever you want them, then put the meshes back in. Everything works exactly as it should ingame afterwards.


Thank you for your help Erian. Shame the creation kit can't render the meshes like it should.

Edited by Zetawolf77
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  • 3 months later...

I was having the same problem in that when I went to preview my standalone follower, CK was complaining about missing models. The problem in my case is I'm using the ningheim race body, but I had installed it with TBBP support. CK ain't having that. Once I re-installed the ningheim race without TBBP, my follower didn't crash CK anymore.

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