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Is anyone playing Dawnguard WITHOUT bugs/ crashing?


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I suppose I should feel lucky, considering I never experienced any quest breaking bugs. What I did suffer though, was frequent CTD's when I was around half way through the quest line. I could hardly play more than fifteen minutes without the game crashing. So after finishing the quests I just disabled the Dawnguard esm. I like the new features a lot, but not enough to tolerate the frequent crashes.


Bah, that's nothing. My laptop goes into sleep mode completely at random - sometimes every hour, sometimes every five minutes - which always causes the game to crash unless it happens during a load screen.


I'm pretty much playing the game while constantly pushing quick save.

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  • 3 months later...
The problem I'm having is driving me up a friggin wall. I talked to Durak in Whiterun. AGES ago. Never got the misc quest to go see Isran. Showed up at Fort Dawnguard, tried to talk to Isran. He won't talk. Finally, I turned to the console. Resetting the quest doesn't work, setting the objective as complete doesn't work, setting the stage of the quest at any point DOES. NOT. WORK. What the flying f***, Bethesda?
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I've had no real problems, the occasional crash but I have no reason to think it's related to Dawnguard, overall I'd say Skyrim has been far more stable for me in the year I've played it (On a fairly consistant basis) than any previous Bethesda games. Never noticed any game breaking bugs, the bugs I have noticed were easily fixed with the console, anything else was mod related and is an inherent risk that comes with modding to begin with.


In short, Dawnguard worked fine for me.

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had no problems with DG so far, well after complete reinstallation of skyrim that is.

I always used the same mod combination, the most significant of them being Ashen race and better vampires

(as I believe my recent "bug" is caused by these two, weird that it didn't happen before).

When I acquire vampirism before starting DG questline I am unable to feed yet I am a vampire. :wallbash:

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So far I've had no crashes, nor bugs with either Skyrim, Dawnguard or Hearthfires.

I'm running only with armour and weapon mods and a body re-placer, I did use the Monster Mod but it actually caused my game

to crash so I removed it.

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No mine freezes when i open door to inner sanctum on Xbox 360 version


This is a PC mods site. as xbox does not allow mods, you may have more luck on site dedicated to xbox instead of PC.

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