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Is anyone playing Dawnguard WITHOUT bugs/ crashing?


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. It turned out that one of the most unlikely mods to have caused this animation glitch was called "Aurora Plus TSO" (here is the link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12940). After disabling it in NMM and loading my saved game, everything works fine.


Now, I am not sure if Aurora Plus TSO mod was also the reason why mounted combat animation did not work, but I will check as soon as I travel outside and update my post.


I have managed to discover a hilarious (to me at least) odd one ;3 Using 1.6 and around 30 mods I have managed to go practically crash & bug free through 30+ hours of gameplay.. including becoming a vampire lord.. and then the animation glitch started to nag at me (Where new npc's are all repeating drinking/feeding/reading/ect over and over and over) ... and decided meh, time to take a moment to fix this minor annoyance (since it wasn't stopping any quests..) and discovered, of all those 30ish mods - only ONE was the issue.. guess which one! I DARE YOU..



Current Load Order:


ESM Files / Actual Mod Name




Climates of Tamriel / "Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel"


SkyMoMod / "Skyrim Monster Mod"


ESP Files / Actual Mod Name


dD - Enhanced Blood


Climates of Tamriel-Dungeons&Interiors / Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel



Presets / Face-Presets mod called "Inhabitants of Skyrim"

Alternate Start - Live Another Life

Chesko_Frostfall / "Frostfall"


WeaponsOf3E / "Weapons of the Third Era"

hothtrooper44_armorcompliation / "Immersive Armors"

Dread Huntress Armor

1nivWICCloaks / "Winter Is Coming - Cloaks"

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

BuildableHouse / "Build Your Own Home"


SkyMoMod_lists (Lore Friendly edition) / "Skyrim Monster Mod + Lore Friendly ESP"

UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul

Convenient Horses

The Dance of Death

Duel - Combat Realism

ACE (EXCEPT Combat-Duel Handles that) / "Athyra's Comprehensive Enhancements"




dD - enhanced blood



Of all things.. of ALL things.. xD oh well.



It struck me about thirty seconds after posting.. that anyone who doesn't know what that is .. makes it sound so obvious <.< But honestly the last thing in the world I expected was a mod that enhances blood textures and makes blood pool around dead bodies - of all the other potential ones causing the problem - for it to be THAT one. I expected Duel.. or Dance of Death.. or Ace.. hell even the armor mods or frostfall, even more likely Alternative start with it's throwing you in as a vampire if you choose that life.. something I refuse to surrender.. but that.. a texture/pooling mod? Really? Ugh! Shoulda done it sooner.






took me like 4 hours to find this thread, and then guess what,


crimson tide made those animation glitches on vampires inside the castle


srsly wtf omg

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OK so i have no idea if this topic is still payed attention to anymore but I have a problem with Dawnguard. When i enter Valercia's study the quest arrow remains where it was and the chasing echos quest doesn't proceed. I have had Dawnguard for a while and i am wondering what is going on since on all the other characters i did this on didn't glitch up like that. If someone can help me with this that'd be VERY nice this is PC Dawnguard by the way.

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