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How to contact a site admin?


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As so many others I've had issues trying to download from the Skyrim Nexus lately and while trying to download the new WATER 1.5 mod I eventually ran into this little gem;


"Site error

The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below...


In an effort to stop bandwidth leeching bots members cannot download a file more than 50 times. If you believe you are seeing this in error or can provide a good reason why you have downloaded this file more than 50 times please get in contact with a site admin."


Now, I might just be a bit tired, its late where I'm at, but I can't seem to find a way to get in touch with a site admin other than hoping one catches this...


Anyone know of a better way feel free to chime in!




Edit: Guess I should just PM one at random heh?


Edit 2: Thanks for the swift assistance buddah!

Edited by Korentin
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