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WAP only working on normal variants of weapon


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Hello and thank you for replying. I have recently installed Weapon Animation Replacer or WAP and I encountered that the mod works with the Varmint rifle but not on Varmint rifle MKII. any idea how to make the mod also applies on MKII variants of the weapon?

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Animations are built around specific weapon meshes (".nif" files). When a mod author creates their own version of that mesh, they have to take care to keep within the expectations of the vanilla animations as to dimensions of the weapon and placement of hands, or create their own. When you start using an "animation replacer", you encounter a similar problem on the animation side of the equation. Also note that each "mod to a weapon" may require yet another mesh (to indicate that mod has been applied). This may or may not require an adjustment to the animation.


Many creators of "weapons" are not animators. Typically they are "mashing up" parts of various vanilla weapons. On either side of the equation (mesh or animation) there is a lot of work needed to get either to work with the other if they are not "vanilla enough". Popularity of a given mod has a lot to do with whether or not the effort seems worthwhile. Unless you intend to learn how to animate, you are dependent upon one of those authors to tackle that effort for you.


Please see the 'Custom Items', 'Animation', and 'Weapons' sections of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article to get an idea of what is involved.


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