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Computers VS Consoles


Wich do you like the most  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Wich do you like the most

    • PC

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The reason to why I don't have the old good ones like N 8-bit or C64 is that in that case there would be lots of consoles, but only room for 10 answers. Sorry.


My vote is for PC, because I don't like most games released for consoles and I hate the controles. No mouse, no fun in da house.


(Stinky rhyme, please, by all means, kill me virtualy.)

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I primaraly like PC's but for social gameing nothing beets the x-box (there is somthing about sitting besides the person you are kicking the snot out off that realy apeals... also you can elbo em in the ribs for that split second advantage)
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Well, being the lucky git I am, I have all three consoles and a PC, so I'm laughing. My own opinion as to which is the best is really that they all have their own strengths and weaknesses, so, whilst one may be best for a particular person, there is no one that is clearly the best overall.
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sure there is... PC followed by XBox (or PC desgiused as a consol if you will) followed by all the rest in random order of "not good enough's" :)


(can you guess wich consol I own?)

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*caugh* x-box *caugh*


Well, turns out I haven't been flamed for being a PC maniac. phew.

Hm, though, when I posted this, most people seemed offline... Perhaps asleep. And soon, soon they will awaken and I will be engulfed in the infernal flames of TROLLS

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I prefer the PC (but only just) to the X-box and my trusty Genesis. I do lean towards favoring the PC controls, but the S-controller for the Xbox is a significant improvement over the original hand-crippling, carpal tunnel inducing monstrosity it originally shipped with.
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I have owned nearly every major console system released. NES, SNES, PS, PSOne, Sega Genesis (with 32x adapter), Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, N64, GC, XBox, and PS2. In addition I own several specimens of PC and Mac.


:lol: I like the PS2 the best… It is easy to use, and is backwards compatible with about 95% of the original PS games, and has a formidable library of its own. The earlier units were plagued with DVDROM drive problems (shades of the SCPH-1001), but Sony has seemed to have corrected this problem with later units. The controller is built on the already good Dual Shock controller design, and cables and what not are backward compatible with earlier PS and PSOne products. (A bit of trivia: The original Playstation was supposed to be Nintendo’s answer to the Sega CD and Sega 32X; an add-on. Nintendo contracted Sony to design and produce the system, but then Nintendo decided instead of merely playing catch-up it would take the lead with the N64. Since Nintendo abandoned the Playstation, Sony bought the full rights to it and the rest is history). For me the PS2 has the best blend of what makes a console great. And they have Final Fantasy.


:) The Game Cube is no slouch either. It is what happens when you do one thing and do it well. The GC, despite its seemingly underwhelming specs, has some of the best lighting effects I have seen for any system (PC or Console). Textures are also relatively free of the “near-sighted” blur that is present in the PS2 and especially the Xbox. It also is compatible with Nintendo’s best-selling GameBoy line of systems (the GB Advanced series, anyways), although I still do not own one (GameBoy that is). Sure it doesn’t play DVDs, nor does it even play audio CDs, but in this day and age if you do not already have another console capable of playing those, or better yet, a standalone DVD player, then you have to get out of whatever cave you dwell in. So the GC would get second place in my little run down. And they have Final Fantasy.


<_< I have an X-Box, but I really do not use it. Any game I have for it (or would want to play on it) is better played on a PC. It does not particularly have any appeal to me. Its graphics are not that impressive (geForce 2 grade at best, although it is supposed to be GF3), the controller is downright horrid (best descritipn I ever heard of it was a "dinner plate with buttons), but the way it uses the hard drive is clever. At first I had no reason at all to buy the memory cards, until I wanted to play a saved game on a friend’s unit. It really seems to be another “me-too” system akin to the Sega Dreamcast (it introduced online console gaming to the masses). Perhaps if they had Final Fantasy…


PC and Mac gaming are something of a moot point for this discussion. They come in so many different configurations that PC gaming may be amazing for some, but an utter drudgery for others. I am personally satisfied with my PC for gaming, but I had a no-holds-barred approach to building the ultimate gaming system, cost be darned. I have only a couple of games for Mac… It really is not a gaming platform (never mind that Microsoft has chosen the G5 as the development platform for their next generation XBox), but it is what I use for “serious work”.

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Mac for work, PC for gaming.


Take the Xbox parts, place them in a custom-enlarged pc case, and modify them so you can hook them up to your monitor. Then you can amaze your friends by putting Xbox games into your pc, and Playing them on the PC!

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PC all the way. PC's can run better, do more stuff , have better graphics (dependent upon what sort of card and hardware you have installed) and have better games, IMHO.


The only problem is that the PC's longevity doesn't last as long. If you buy the best one on the market, you have a year or two tops before a bigger, better, faster, and more sexy one comes out and makes your PC look like an Intel Pentium 1 Processor with Windows 3.1 and only 100 MB of Space. Which is why when purchasing a PC you should either go to a CP show and have your PC custom-built with specified parts (like me) or simply build it yourself...


I enjoy console gaming (just PS II though) because consoles have greater longevity and you don't have to go out and buy or upgrade to a better model like every year or so. I play when the time allows (almost never), though the console game(s) I prefer are GTA III and GTA: Vice City...



That's it...:blink:...

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