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[LE] Experienced modder TIP required, Script or other creation way.

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My issue is that i have an item (skull key) that is floating in mid air, hold there only by black magic, OUUuuuuu spooky......, and i want it to not be affected by "telekinesis spell" or "fireball" or "exploding arrows" etc..., the player must figure out my puzzle - way to obtain it. Basically i want it to stay unaffected by everything except by the player picking it up after solving the puzzle.

The only way that i came up in doing such a thing is to :

1) Create a static skull key

2) Create a trigger box around it

3) Create a script that upon activating the trigger box will "disable-delete" the static skull key and add to the player's inventory the actual skull key and "self disable" the trigger box or add a "DoOnce" property (to avoid adding a second skull key upon re-activating accidentally the trigger box).

My question :

Is there an other way to do this ? with a script attached to the actual key, if so, what's the logic behind the creation of such script ?.

I been trying to the last couple of days... but came up with nothing...

* The key (non ststic) already has a "disable havoc on load" script.

Thanks in advance for spending your time to look at this, whoever you are !

Edited by maxarturo
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I'm not exactly an experienced modder, but (or may be because of that) I try to avoid scripts wherever possible. That's mainly because I am very weak on scripting, so others may give different advice. That being said, I wonder if you could put an invisible static item under a normal key, so the player can pull it off normally. I'm not sure if that would create a passage problem, but if it takes telekinesis, I'm guessing it's up high enough not to be a roadblock?

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I'm not exactly an experienced modder, but (or may be because of that) I try to avoid scripts wherever possible. That's mainly because I am very weak on scripting, so others may give different advice. That being said, I wonder if you could put an invisible static item under a normal key, so the player can pull it off normally. I'm not sure if that would create a passage problem, but if it takes telekinesis, I'm guessing it's up high enough not to be a roadblock?

Your logic is the same as creating collision layers around it, by doing this the player can still cast telekinesis and pull it from top or in your case - suggestion from side.
Fear not scripting if done correctly !
Thanks for replying & thinking about this.
Edited by maxarturo
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Lel and hi Maxarturo xD


1) Make Activator

2) Add Script that delete self Activator and Give player item

3) done :D lol


also i want to see you script :) and maybe upload my but i don't need script like this for now xD




And btw. im Tobi :) hy hy hy xD

Scriptname QLG_Script_Tests extends ObjectReference  

	Key property QItem auto
	{ Item to Give }

Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QVar )

	if QVar == Game.GetPlayer()
		Game.GetPlayer().AddItem( QItem , 1, false )



This Compile fine but no tested in game :P

lel xD




can i see any img. or video from you mod pls ? ;3... hy hy xD

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The way you have done it with the static is probably the best route. I do not think it is possible to prevent a non-static item from being manipulated with the telekinesis spell.

I haven't build it jet, that's why i'm researching it.
I was afraid that this would be the case...
Thanks for replying !.
Edited by maxarturo
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Lel and hi Maxarturo xD


1) Make Activator

2) Add Script that delete self Activator and Give player item

3) done :D lol


also i want to see you script :smile: and maybe upload my but i don't need script like this for now xD




And btw. im Tobi :smile: hy hy hy xD

Scriptname QLG_Script_Tests extends ObjectReference  

	Key property QItem auto
	{ Item to Give }

Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QVar )

	if QVar == Game.GetPlayer()
		Game.GetPlayer().AddItem( QItem , 1, false )



This Compile fine but no tested in game :tongue:

lel xD




can i see any img. or video from you mod pls ? ;3... hy hy xD

Hi Tobi.
I haven't created the script jet, but i know exactly what needs to be done, i'll post the script in the next two days, right now i'm still building the puzzle and cell for it.
I have some teasers images in the posts section of "ACT I" of my mod. (See Sneak peek).
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As promised to TobiaszPL.

This is the my Script and works as intended.

Scriptname aXMDparaplanisiSkullKeySCRIPT01 extends ObjectReference
{Set stage on Quest - Adds Skull Key to inventory - Disables STATIC Key - Self disable Trigger Box Activator}

Quest Property myQuest auto
{The quest we will be setting stages on}

Int Property stageSetOnTriggered auto
{The stage that will be set when the player Triggered this}

MiscObject Property Key01 Auto
{assign key or item to add to inventory}

ObjectReference Property StaticKey Auto
{object - item to disable}

ObjectReference Property SoundFX Auto
{soundFX to enable}

bool Property isTriggered = false auto hidden

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
if (myQuest.GetStageDone(stageSetOnTriggered) == FALSE)
akactionref.additem(Key01, 1)
isTriggered = true
debug.messagebox("You proved yourself worthy but cursed")
akactionref.DamageActorValue("Health", 100.0)

If someone more experienced scripter can take a look at it and maybe rewrite it in a more elegant way...

I'll be most grateful !

Edited by maxarturo
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Thats how my script would look :P




Scriptname aXMDparaplanisiSkullKeySCRIPT01 extends ObjectReference  
{ Script:
	1: Set Quest Stage
	2: Give Skull Key to Ref.
	3: Disable self
	4: Disable TriggerBox }
;===- Base Info. -===;
 ;Created: 2019-03-021
 ;Author: Maxarturo
 ;Unit: < Where is Original script file? >
;===- Var. setup -============================================
	Quest Property myQuest auto
	{ The Quest we will be setting stage On }
	Int Property stageSetOnTriggered auto
	{ The Stage to set }
	MiscObject Property MyKey Auto
	{ Key for action Ref. to give }
	ObjectReference Property StaticKey Auto
	{ Object Ref. to be Disabled }
	ObjectReference Property SoundFX Auto
	{ Sound to Play on Activate }
	bool Property isTriggered = false auto hidden

;===- Main Script -==================================================
Event OnActivate( ObjectReference ActionRef )
	If ( myQuest.GetStageDone( stageSetOnTriggered ) == FALSE )
		myQuest.SetStage( StageSetOnTriggered )
		ActionRef.additem( MyKey, 1 )
		isTriggered = true
		Utility.Wait( 2.5 )
		ActionRef.DamageActorValue( "Health", 100.0 )
		debug.messagebox("You proved Yourself worthy but Cursed")

; Object Reference for sounds ? O_O
	Sound property MySound auto
; Actor Function cast on ObjectReference ? :o 




Btw. You use N++ ? ( Notepad++ )

cause i have Style for Papyrus :x


Style color text for you so its much more easy to read :D


if you dont have any i can post one here once ill be in my Home in Forest :x


y i know my english is potato but i have 2 homes and sometimes i work in CK in work xD

so i have many places here i have my code :x


im not living in tent in forest xD lol

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Yes i do use Notepad++ and i'm quite settled with the text coloring, makes me see & distinguish the text as i want on a fast pass. Plus i got used to it.

Nevertheless, thank you !

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