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Weapon leveling based on character level


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This is something that really bugs me and I can't find anything that gets rid of it so if anyone can link to some info that would be great.


Basically if you are at level 30 for example and your follower just started out with you and they have a crap weapon, you wanna go to a forge and max out a good weapon for them so they can hurt something finally but the damage done by that lower level follower is not the same with that weapon that you the player at level 30 can do? So the weapon maxed out at the forge by you lets say it does 150 damage but in the hands of your new guy follower it only does 50 damage? I really hate that it just breaks the immersion of smithing for me. Why bother smithing and improving tempering when it only benefits yourself? What I like to do is eventually upgrade all my allies that are followers. Travel around and upgrade them to what suits them best then return them to their home. This I think would help the orcs in that one orc stronghold where the giants keep attacking for example.


Has anyone fixed this yet? is there a mod that changes this? The only problem with modding it is that it would probably break a bunch of other stuff?





Also forgot to mention that if you come back to that same weapon later at level 50 it is instantly more powerful as soon as you get it into your inventory than it was at level 30. It should be that you have to smith it further to make it stronger so smithing has a purpose not just level up and instantly all weapons are stronger.

Edited by dragonslayer2k12
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I was thinking about that too but a sword is a sword, it is sharp and dangerous. Maybe the game could handle this the way headshots work, 2x damage! message could pop up for more skilled hits during combat like it does with headshots with bow and arrows. Moving in different directions makes the character swing the sword a different way and there is the power attack move which is basically a heavy swing from overhead usually. Also having a weapon in each hand makes for different combat than just one weapon in one hand. So why not move that fancy damage potential to skilled swing animations? I thinik smithing is probably one of the most popular skills in the game so it is experienced by the most number of players. After smithing is probably enchantment which I use to fill in for low damage of weapons at lower experience levels but after hitting level 40 or 50 it feels like enchantments are a waste of time in relation to weapons because the weapon damage is so high.
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I think you're talking about quite a change in game mechanics. Smithing changes the stats for the weapon but damage is still affected by the level of the governing skill (one handed, two handed, etc). It wouldn't make sense for a follower with 35 in one handed to do as much damage as you who has 90-100 (or whatever). Seems like you just need to get your follower some experience, or get a follower mod that lets you toy with their stats, or download a mod that adds high level followers. I'd go browse the combat overhaul mods and/or the companion mods to see if there's anything that looks interesting to you.


In any event your smithing the weapon does make the follower do more damage than if it wasn't improved, even if it's not as much as you want.

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What I do is I give a follower a weapon depending on their weapon specialization. For example, I forged a two-handed weapon for Farkas, and his attack improve depending on the weapon stats, hence improved with tempered two-handed weapons. I gave a tempered Ebony Waraxe to Argis the Bulwark, you can know by the weapon the follower starts with. Tempering a weapon increases it's stats and the followers benefit from that.


You can watch the Machinima- Machinima Realm series 'Follow Me' to find the stats, specialization, and strengths of every follower in the game.

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