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Two d3d9.dll's in the same folder?


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First here are my system specs; I don't know if anyone will need them, but just incase:


i3 M350 2.27 GHz (4 CPUs)


Intel HD graphics*

Windows 7 64-bit


(On the subject of Intel HD graphics, I know a lot of people are going to jump to the "you need a graphics card, bro" conclusion. Before you do that, know that I've been playing New Vegas on lower settings at a consistent 30 FPS, so yes Fallout 3 can run on my laptop; this doesn't change the fact that I want a graphics card, but I can live with low settings until I can get a computer. Jaggies and muddy textures don't bother me too much if I'm using Steam and a M+K.)


On to my question proper! Fallout 3 has a bad habit of crashing every time I load it up, and the fix for this is a d3d9.dll file. I believe it tricks the computer into thinking I have a different graphics card because after installing this and after starting it up, it resets everything and tells me I have an NVIDIA card. This fix does allow the game to start up with no problems, and I can get into the game and actually play it fine. However, my frame rate jumps all over the place between 30 and 60, which might not bother some but it seriously gets on my nerves and I can't play a game like that. So, naturally, I searched for a way to limit my framerate. There's an .ini edit that changes the instruction "iFPSclamp = 0" to "30" which didn't work. There's also the Fallout 3 Stutter remover, the .ini of which has its own framelimiter which didn't work either. The only thing that seems to work is another download, here:




which I used on New Vegas to solve the same problem (but NV didn't crash on startup at all). Only, that particular fix also includes a file called d3d9.dll which needs to be in Fallout 3's root folder, same as the fix that makes the game work in the first place. I've tried looking for a way on Google to fix this, but all I keep seeing are people trying to get it to work with something called "ENBseries"; I don't have that and don't know what it is.


So, does anyone know of a way I can make both of these d3d9.dll files work in tandem, or of a different way to limit my FPS to 30?

Edited by believer258
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There's also the Fallout 3 Stutter remover, the .ini of which has its own framelimiter which didn't work either.

Curious. Since it's is a FOSE plugin, the first question that comes to mind is: Are you running FOSE? The plugin won't work without FOSE active.

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There's also the Fallout 3 Stutter remover, the .ini of which has its own framelimiter which didn't work either.

Curious. Since it's is a FOSE plugin, the first question that comes to mind is: Are you running FOSE? The plugin won't work without FOSE active.


Yes, FOSE is properly installed to the best of my knowledge. It, and all of the .dll's accompanying it, are in Fallout 3's root folder, and that particular mod's instructions say to put it into the directory Fallout 3 -> Data -> fose -> plugins -> stutter remover.


If it makes a difference, this is the Steam version of Fallout 3 GOTY.

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