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Multiple summons with a staff


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I am trying to create is a staff that will summon multiple ghosts, but my problem is that only one NPC will get summoned. I tried making two magic effects (one per NPC) and adding them all to one enchantment and that did cause two NPCs to be summoned, but one of them immediately dies. I suppose my real problem is that I understand 0.0 about scripting.


I tried adding scripts to each of the magic effects, following some tutorials on youtube and these forums, but I usually just get:

"c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\.....psc(8,31): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'etc'. No output generated for .... , compilation failed." I guess there is no point in copy pasting the script itself, as I would rather hear the whole theory.


My staff is called StaffjSignum

The enchantment is called StaffEnchJSignum

The effects themselves are called EnchJSignum, EnchJSignum2, etc.

The NPC is called: SummonLegionnaireSignum (I also made a 2nd one called differently to see if that would help, but it didn't)



Can someone help me or push me in the right direction?

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You can set the magic effect to "script" archetype, then put this script on it


ActorBase property myActor auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    (akCaster as ObjectReference).PlaceAtMe(myActor, 2)


Fill the myActor property with your NPC.


I used PlaceAtMe and not PlaceActorAtMe cause the 2nd doesn't allow multiple summons.

Edited by gasti89
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You can set the magic effect to "script" archetype, then put this script on it


ActorBase property myActor auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    (akCaster as ObjectReference).PlaceAtMe(myActor, 2)


Fill the myActor property with your NPC.


I used PlaceAtMe and not PlaceActorAtMe cause the 2nd doesn't allow multiple summons.


HmMmm... I Changed archetype to "script"

Added the script (no errors) and set the myActor property to the NPC, but when I cast, no one appeared


I then tried changing the archetype back to Summon Creature and now both ghosts appeared! Yaaay!

But they are not my followers...they just walk around and stuff.


I guess now I need a script line to make them follow me...

Edited by Jedo_Dre
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I guess now I need a script line to make them follow me...


No you don't. Start by adding a keyword to you summon-magic effect, lets say MySummon. Next, create a new perk.

Create a new perk entry. Double click it and select Entry Point. Scroll down to "Modify Commanded Actor Limit". Select "set value" and enter a number of your choice. In the condition tab, add the HasKeyword-condition. Select MySummon. Close the perk window

Open up your magic effect again. Add your new perk in "Perk To Apply".


Can't remember exactly how I did it, but it was something like this. Experiment around.

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I guess now I need a script line to make them follow me...


No you don't. Start by adding a keyword to you summon-magic effect, lets say MySummon. Next, create a new perk.

Create a new perk entry. Double click it and select Entry Point. Scroll down to "Modify Commanded Actor Limit". Select "set value" and enter a number of your choice. In the condition tab, add the HasKeyword-condition. Select MySummon. Close the perk window

Open up your magic effect again. Add your new perk in "Perk To Apply".


Can't remember exactly how I did it, but it was something like this. Experiment around.


Added perk, added keyword, in the perk added the HasKeyword condition = 1, added the keyword to the magic effect, chose the summon perk under "Perk to apply" and BEHOLD! Two ghostly followers. Hoeray!

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  • 7 years later...

Super Necro thread ik, but When I attempted this, I summoned the desired number of NPCs, yet only one of them was an actual summon ( "<my char name>'s creature", follows me like a minion, attacks what I attack/attacks me, etc.) while the rest wandered around like normal npcs


Any ideas or solutions?

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