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Can't Enter Soul Cairn


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So i chose joining the dawnguard and when u shall enter soul cairn with Serena i chose Soul Trap, though when i walk down the stairs after she have done the spell on me its just like if i hit a wall and nothing happends :S


Any fix? Anyone have this? or anything.

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fixed it by jumping stages and doing some stuff so i would miss to much fun in soul cairn until i got out and i could talk to serana and then i could just go on like if nothing happend

I got stuck at this part too. Bethesda really need to fix this. How I got in, when the Soul Cairn wouldn't open , was I opened the console ~ , and then typed in tcl. It turns collision mode off and allows to fly, fly in to the soul cairn and you will get there. When you're in, turn it off, and run back up the stairs and Serana will appear.

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  • 5 months later...
Ok I just found this thread after having this same issue myself. Do you by any chance have UFO installed? If you do dismiss any other followers you may have, (if they aren't there with you then go to the balcony, fast travel to the balcony and dismiss them.) if that still does not work then try dismissing them then uninstalling UFO. Worked for me. Let me know if this helps you please.
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