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New To Skyrim Photography - What do you think? [NSFW]


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Work on the lighting and angles. The angles you have look like you just turned off the UI and rotated around the body with the standard look contols.


Lighting is important and youd shots look... off. Like the first one looks washed out, second snd third have a weird smear on the left, and the last 4 look like the game was just left on and the camera was panning around the PC while standing at the top of some stairs.


Another one is nudity isn't always needed. Seriously y'all can go far with the pc wearing some clothes. Another is body proportions like slightly smaller boobs to give a slightly more natural feel.

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Where is ENB?

Where is Light?

where are Textures?

Where if Depth of Field?


Also i dont like her face and hair xD



i hate light from nowhere thats why i allow only Light with any light source

This castle is too big to be so light... there is only 1 Window and few fires...

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Neither an ENB or some ersatz DOF are necessary for good screens, and TBH some of the "texture salad" backgrounds of some of the so called DOF Enbs have ruined more screens than they have helped. As with many things, master the basics with the basics, first. There are no magic bullets, ever.


Light, no matter who you are, is an ingame location hunt without a studio-like add on. I find the yellow/orange range indoor lighted areas to be good, blue and white/yellow areas a bit more problematic. Outdoor shots are probably the hardest, but indoors can have some odd dead spots. You can actually use a position able light source in game, give a follower a torch and use "wait". Results vary. Also be aware that the direction light seems to be coming from can follow game logic and not RL. You have to test to get illumination where you want it at times.


Dragonreach is possibly the worst screen location in game.


console command TFC is your friend. TFC 1 will give you free camera and freeze the scene. Good timing of the ~ to open console and use of tfc 1 will allow you to use it as a poser, somewhat, dependent on what your char is doing in game.


Using an image editor, PS, Gimp, etc is good. You need one for jpeg conversion. You can use one for cropping, bordering, repairing minor clips and poke throughs effectively. It appears you tried to add something on a layer, the orange stuff. I would not suggest that unless you are very very good at it and would be hesitant to recommend that even then.


Clothes are good. Even skimp if that is your taste. Nude limits sharing your work, and tbh a truly aesthetic nude is no easy project.


To be honest with you, a more polished and "bikini" version of what you did can, and do, get an amazing number of views and likes on the Nexus boards. I'm not impressed by them, but if views and likes validate what you do, go ahead. Clickbait is the peoples choice, after all. It's why it works.


Also, sadly, this thread may be the high point of constructive criticism you will receive. If you move to the Screen Shot gallery, any criticism at all is frowned upon deeply. People just will not, constructive or not. A click endorse without comment is of less value than the foil star stickers passed out in Day Cares.



good vid here.

Edited by TeofaTsavo
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