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the batle of two sides

key of the twilight

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No fighting with in your owns ranks!

Obey the led mans orders. at all costs!

Take any personal grudges else where.

God Mods MUST be cast out of either castle to wonder the field alone.

only thsoe apointed to a castle may partake in any battle that takes place on this feild



The battlefield is a barren waist land. There are two castle. you must supply the in habitants yourself. The field between is three bows shots long (I.E. if an archer shot his arrow and walked to where he would have to do that twice more before reaching the other end).


Castle one. This castle is for the forces of light. They are the "good guys". The castle is made of a light stone that is sturdy and strong. The outer walls are 50 Feet tall with oil cauldrons every 20 feet. It curves around to protect the front and left side of the castle. On the right and back of the castle there is a huge lack brought in by the mountains melting’s. The castle has two inner walls as well. They rise about thirty feet and are equipped to handle intruders just as well as the outer walls.


Castle Two. This is the castle of Darkness. This is where the “bad-guys” Reside. It is made of an iron stone mix giving it a darck-forbidding look. It has one giant court yard dedicated to the creating of what ever tools they need to defeat the white castle. The walls rise 70 feet off the ground spiked at the top. Every 20 feet there is a cauldron filled to the rim with spheres covered in spikes coated in poison.


The half of the field closest to the white castle is sunny but partly cloudy and warm. The other half is shrouded in mist and cloud covered skies. the separation looks as if it was done by sorcery…



Plot. Send me a PM as to what side you would like to be on. The person with the highest level will be a commander and all those under him he or she must appoint positions.

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