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Skyrim game breaking bug


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Hey guys, this is my first post here, so forgive me if this issue has already been noted and solved.


I've decided to start playing skyrim again since the Dawnguard DLC finally came out for PC. However, once it was downloaded I got into my most recent save and my character was stuck in a mannequin-like pose. In third person there are no running, walking, weapon drawing, or combat animations. In first person, things are (relatively) unnoticeable, accept when weapons are drawn and fired/swung, the attacking sound plays, but there - again - is no animation. It's also quite distracting because all humanoid NPC's display this same bug/glitch. Monsters and mounts however seem to appear unchanged.


Previously, my game was fairly heavily modded, but there were no issues like this until recently. The only software changes I've undergone were a graphics card software upgrade, and unless I'm mistaken, that wouldn't affect the game in this way.


I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game, and deactivated all mods, however this bug still persisted. I even uninstalled the graphics card upgrade to see if that would affect anything, which it didn't. The worst part is, now the game will simply crash a few seconds into the loading screen of a chosen save file, leaving the game, essentially, unplayable.


Would anyone know of anything I could do to fix this issue? Anything you guys can provide would be greatly appreciated.




Edited by Cscott92
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I'm sorry to admit I have no solutions as I'm going through this myself, but thought it might help show that it's not just you. Like you, while I had my fair share of mods installed... or more like a 100 lol, it didn't affect gameplay at all. i didn't play Skyrim at all for probably the last 2 months, and I just started again since Dawnguard came out. Since then, exact same situation as you.


Here's a youtube video of someone who seems to share this issue:




HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't attack!!!!!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

I'm having the same issue. Only when a weapon is drawn thou. When sheathed the animation in 3rd person is fine.


PS I only have Skyrim no DLC at the moment. It must be the latest patch. I'm using Skyrim 1.8 something. The latest Steam patch.

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Uh so, I happen to have the same problem, and I mean literally, Skyrim was working fine last night, and then I downloaded like 8 mods, and this mannequin pose struck up.


Deleting the mods now, hopefully it'll work @n@;;;


edit: I deleted all 8 mods and promptly decided to delete any other mods that weren't being used a lot, and it fixed it, no more Mannequin peeps >u<,,,

Edited by SWANK15
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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally solved my issue with this and my frozen animation. I didn't do like above and remove all my mods. I have a few more then 8+ :P


For those of you that may or may not run into this problem or currently do have this problem still, check to see if you are using the following mod.


Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - Behavior Files V3_3_2 If you are no you do not need to delete it. I recalled something the author said. Make sure before you start Skyrim, you run FNIS. I had earlier removed some Mods which required FNIS, but neglected to update FNIS and un-check the boxes which used those mods.


Everything is fine now in the world of Skyrim. :)



This worked for me no problem.

Edited by bergy
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  • 4 weeks later...

I finally solved my issue with this and my frozen animation. I didn't do like above and remove all my mods. I have a few more then 8+ :P


For those of you that may or may not run into this problem or currently do have this problem still, check to see if you are using the following mod.


Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - Behavior Files V3_3_2 If you are no you do not need to delete it. I recalled something the author said. Make sure before you start Skyrim, you run FNIS. I had earlier removed some Mods which required FNIS, but neglected to update FNIS and un-check the boxes which used those mods.


Everything is fine now in the world of Skyrim. :)



This worked for me no problem.



I just installed dragonborn and now i have the same problem. it was perfectly fine before, im using a script extension called skse, i think i installed it about a month ago. could it be that its out of date? i also had an animation mod called sneak tools... but i disabled it and i was still facing the issue

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