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Default Starting Items??


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I just bought the Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition that came with all the expansions. The only problem is, when I created my first character, I get all these items from these expansions at the very beginning. I don't want any extra items before I've even played the vanilla game, but I don't know which items to discard and which to keep at the beginning.


Can someone tell me what items the vanilla New Vegas game gives a character when they start out?

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What starting items you get are slightly determined by how you fill out Doc Mitchell's forms, and what skills you tag, but you always get a few stimpaks, the vault suit, 18 caps, and a few bobby pins.


If you want to start out without all the extra add-on items, simply drop them before setting your SPECIAL stats, Then you'll just get what doc gives you on your way out.

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I have an idea, just de-select the mod start up packs either in FOMM or in the initial start up menu. Untick Classic, Caravan Tribal and Mercenary and that should get you the vanilla starting gear load out.


Try that and see if it works.

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