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Make NPCs ignore an objects collision or attack the object.

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I'm trying to create a sort of 'bubble shield' as a place-able or spawn-able object but i'm having a hard time with it, specifically with NPCs simply being unable to see the player character whilst they are inside the bubble shield hence making them just stand around it occasionally throwing a grenade rather than shooting it until it breaks.



The way I have it set up is using an Activator with some destruction data for the various stages of health and a sphere model with custom collision.



The only ways around it that I can even think of (but don't know how they could be done or even if they are possible) is to either:


- Make it so NPCs behave as if there is no collision there and shoot at the player but the projectiles hit the shield or
- Make it so the NPCs actively target the shield whenever it is active until it breaks and they then target the player again.


Any help would be greatly appreciated,


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Have you considered creating a quest that manages the event?


You could set up a quest that fills nearby actors that are hostile to the player into reference aliases as well as forcing the placed shield as reference alias

You could then add AI packages to the reference aliases of the hostile actors that makes them attack the reference alias of the placed shield


Once the shield breaks, the manager quest could shut down and empty the reference aliases


This would require knowledge about Papyrus scripts and basic knowledge about quests and AI packages

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There might be a simple solution here (?) you could maybe add an enchantment to the player that reduces the chance of being hit to 0 while the shield is on, so any incoming fire would hit the shield but could never hit the player, then maybe the collision won't be necessary and with no collision - maybe npc's will be able to still see and interact with the player normally ^.^


((just an idea mate, I haven't touched enchantments since skyrim so I can't guarantee this method works ^.^ but sounds good to me))

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Okay, managed to figure it out.


I changed the collision layer in nifskope on the mesh (before putting it through elric) from SKYL_STATIC to SKYL_PROJECTILEZONE so now it blocks projectiles and nothing else so NPCs will shoot at the player, unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to make it use a custom collision layer so it grenades pass right through it.


Thanks for the help anyway.

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