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Dawnguard Unseen Visions fix [Spoilers]


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Basically when reading the Elder Scrolls during the quest, an aura of light is applied to you. The problem is that frequently the aura stays with you, especially if the quest is advanced with the console. What I'm looking for is some sort of fix that removes the aura from your character or an item that when used does. I'd do it myself but I have zero creation kit knowledge.

http://i48.tinypic.com/1ru48x.jpg Here is what the aura looks like

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Let me add some more info on the aura I've noticed/found.

-It is removed if you shift into Vampire Lord form.

-Upon reverting to regular form, the aura remains gone.

-Switching to First Person view causes the aura to immediately return

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  • 2 years later...

i have the same problem, and also, when i finish reading the scrolls my controls remain disabled, if i enable them via console it doesnt progress the quest, if i progress the quest via console, it doesnt start the "Touching the Sky" quest and dont get ambushed by the Vampires/Dawnguard though i do talk Serana. I can start the next quest via console but the moths and the light aura remain circleing me

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i have the same problem, and also, when i finish reading the scrolls my controls remain disabled, if i enable them via console it doesnt progress the quest, if i progress the quest via console, it doesnt start the "Touching the Sky" quest and dont get ambushed by the Vampires/Dawnguard though i do talk Serana. I can start the next quest via console but the moths and the light aura remain surrounding me

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Hey dud, it took me one day (im with this problem since yesterday) but i found a way out of this bug, i simply waited for all the previous actions from my save to complete. I have a shitload of mods and a non powerful computer. I also claned my save before loading and waiting. it worked and now i have a completed quest and no aura, i waited for more less 15 min

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