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TES4EDIT - mod cleaning help

Lord Valarian

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BOSS reports dirty mods. I used the step here to clean.




Actual cleaning instructions


I managed to clean most of the mods. On 'harvest flora' and 'cobl glue', it does nothing. Some others do the same. Only if oblivion is the only parent, does it clean the mod. Need help how to do these. Any other cleaning tips?



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If you've tried to remove the Identical to Master records and undeleted references, and TES4Edit does nothing, it means that the mod is already clean. :)
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No, you didn't do the cleaning procedure correctly if BOSS still reports them as dirty.


Ok, where did I go wrong? Page instructions.




Actual Cleaning Instructions



  1. Download TES4Edit created by ElminsterEU.
  2. Unzip the two files in the archive to wherever you please. I use a folder called \Oblivion Tools\.
  3. Make a shortcut for TES4Edit.exe and place it in an easily accessible place because you will be opening, closing, and re-opening TES4Edit as many times as you have mods to clean. I recommend the shortcut go on your Desktop.
  4. Run the TES4Edit executable.
    • Outdated instructions: Before version 2.3.0 or so, you had to rename TES4View.exe to TES4Edit.exe or use the "-edit" tag. You also had to use the "-fixupPGRD" tag. All this is no longer necessary. Just download TES4Edit, and run TES4Edit.exe plain and simple.

A dialog box appears with a complete list of your .esp/.esm files. All your currently enabled plugins will be ticked.

  • Right-click anywhere in the list and pick "Select None."
  • Now select whatever mod you want to clean and make sure to also select any implicit dependencies (you read the entire first section of this guide and you understand what a implicit dependency is, don't you?). Explicit dependencies can also be ticked just to help you make sure all required mods are included, but explicitly dependent files don't actually need to be ticked because they will automatically load anyway. Hit ok.
  • A mod group dialog box might come up. Never tick any boxes for mod groups when cleaning, ever.

<li>Wait for the mod to load. This will take a short while because it has to also load Oblivion.esm, which is large, and possibly other master files if there are any dependencies.<li>After loading, right-click on the mod you are intending to clean and pick "Apply Filter."<li>A big dialog box will open with about a thousand different options. Panic for one second and then calm down. You only care about one single checkbox: "Conflict status inherited by parent". All other main checkboxes need to be deselected. Here is an image. Hit ok.

http://cs.elderscrolls.com/images/thumb/3/3c/Tes4editcleaningfilter.jpg/300px-Tes4editcleaningfilter.jpg<li>Wait for the process to finish. It can take a long time if you're dealing with a very large or dirty .esm/.esp. This will take a lot of memory also so don't do other memory-intensive activities when filtering.<li>Now, right click on the mod you are cleaning and pick "Remove "Identical to Master" records."<li>Wait two seconds when the big warning message appears and click "Yes…"<li>The mod name will turn bold if any dirty edits were found and removed. Check the Messages tab to see what was changed. If you have some technical knowledge about how the mod works, now is a good time to investigate each removed record and/or make a copy of the removal log for later review. If you don't have much technical knowledge about the mod, then you'll have to assume everything was safe to remove, as long as you did it right (check the glossary for a definition of this term). Even if you don't understand all the details, you can still help out by sending a copy of the removal log to the author.<li>The new versions of TES4Edit allow an additional cleaning step for deleted vanilla references. Right click again on the mod you are cleaning and select "Undelete and Disable References." If any references were undeleted and disabled you'll get another list of such things on the right side of TES4Edit, but don't worry about the details. Doing this extra step will help prevent one major cause of the game crashing when exiting.<li>Try to close the program. If there were no dirty edits found or references undeleted and disabled, the program will close properly. That mod is clean in regard to automated cleaning. However, if dirty edits were found, upon trying to close the program a dialog box will come up listing the .esp/.esm you modified. Click "OK."




Oblivion. esp

cobl.esp [green]

cobl glue.esp [green]


Right click on cobl glue. Remove "Identical to Master". Then close TES4EDIT.


#13 - 'a dialog box will come up' - that doesn't happen.



Did it wrong or BOSS bug?

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First of all, use the BOSS GUI and enable the 'show checksums' (CRCs) box. (BOSS gives the 'needs cleaning' message based upon the CRC of the dirty mod.)


Second, when you say you closed TES4Edit, how did you close it? You need to use <Alt+F4>, not the red-X 'close window' icon in the upper right corner of the window. If the mod was cleaned it will present the dialog window asking if you want to save the changed file, which you must do.


Third, you should always perform both the 'Identical to Master' (ITM) and the 'Undelete and Remove' (UDR) steps before saving unless BOSS or the cleaning instructions for a specific mod tell you otherwise.


Once you have saved your cleaned file, run BOSS again and check the CRC again. If you have a cleaned file, the CRC will be different and you won't see the 'needs cleaning' message.


TES4Edit creates a timestamped backup of the file (in the Data folder) each time you run and save it, and the new cleaned file will have the original mod filename. So you can try these steps as often as you need to, or simply get rid of all but the first timestamped version of the backup file, rename it back to the original mod name and start over again. If there is no timestamped backup file, then you never succeeded in saving the cleaned file.



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First of all, use the BOSS GUI and enable the 'show checksums' (CRCs) box. (BOSS gives the 'needs cleaning' message based upon the CRC of the dirty mod.)


Second, when you say you closed TES4Edit, how did you close it? You need to use <Alt+F4>, not the red-X 'close window' icon in the upper right corner of the window. If the mod was cleaned it will present the dialog window asking if you want to save the changed file, which you must do.


Used the red-x to close window. It worked fine. I got the popup with the esp being changed with checkbox.


Third, you should always perform both the 'Identical to Master' (ITM) and the 'Undelete and Remove' (UDR) steps before saving unless BOSS or the cleaning instructions for a specific mod tell you otherwise. Once you have saved your cleaned file, run BOSS again and check the CRC again. If you have a cleaned file, the CRC will be different and you won't see the 'needs cleaning' message.


I did right-click: 'Identical to Master' (ITM) then 'Undelete and Remove references' (UDR). It worked for the remaining BOSS tagged as needing cleaning. One esp didn't work. 'BrumaMGRestored-Frostcrag' It still shows up in the boss log. How do I do this one?


TES4Edit creates a timestamped backup of the file (in the Data folder) each time you run and save it, and the new cleaned file will have the original mod filename. So you can try these steps as often as you need to, or simply get rid of all but the first timestamped version of the backup file, rename it back to the original mod name and start over again. If there is no timestamped backup file, then you never succeeded in saving the cleaned file.


Noted for reference. I have mod conflict, 'whom gods annoy'. Can you help?



Edited by Lord Valarian
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For help with TES4Edit, check out this link. The introduction will get you started on identifying conflicts and it has links to the other primary information sources on using it.


If BOSS is still reporting a mod as needing cleaning, it's because the mod CRC is still the same as that reported for the dirty version of the file. It is theoretically possible, but highly unlikely, for an edit to leave a file with the same CRC when saved. The TES4Edit 'save after edit' process will create a timestamped backup of the original version of the file in the DATA folder. If you do not have one to go along with the original filename, you somehow failed to save the edits. If both files are present, compare their CRCs. (You can copy both to a 7zip file and then see the 'data crc' for each within the archive.) If both are identical, report that to the BOSS thread.



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When you click on the 'x', there is no popup with esp being changed with that esp. After doing: filter and clean steps. There is no backup file to compare too. All the other esps, showed the popup and left a backup file. Not this one: 'BrumaMGRestored-Frostcrag'


Looks like a bug in BOSS?

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Using TES4EDIT to clean "Francesco's Optional New Creatures", getting a (red) conflict with "Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items" This is from the latest (large download.) Wrye Bash reports it as:

Detected 1 dirty mods:


Francesco's Optional New Creatures Add-On.esm:


UDR: 0


ITM: 5


Oblivion.esm: 01E5EB


Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm: 01E66E


Oblivion.esm: 032657


Oblivion.esm: 0343AA


Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm: 01E66F


See attached reports. Needs to obsess about potential CTDs etc?


Also cleaned Francesco's Optional Leveled Quests, no apparent problem, but still contains errors (error file almost 600kb, too big for here.)


Can TES4Edit help?



Edited by lmstearn
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