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Dawnguard Beyond Death quest bug - help needed and potential spoilers.


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Hi all - spoilers and problem below


Another issue regarding Dawnguard, this time the Beyond death, where you and serana go to the soul cairn in search of serana's mother and the eldar scroll. Basically I've got up to the bit where you kill all the keepers in order to drop the magic barrier thing surrounding valerica, and then when she is supposed to lead me to the eldar scroll, she just stands there and does nothing...


On my first play-through of it I just took it in my stride and went through to the bone-yard whereupon it said I had completed the objective to follow her and was attacked by the dragon, I killed the dragon and went back into the other room to follow her, and again - she just stands there and nothing happens.


Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.



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