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PLZ HELP Shield showing on npcs but not player???


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So my problem is exactly what the title said. I opened another shields nif replaced the mesh and textures and loaded it in game. I then made copied the vanilla daedric shield and replaced the nif in the creation kit. I also made an outfit with it for my npcs which works just fine. I placed it in the world and started the game. I can go over and look at the shield on the ground. I can also pick it up and look at it in my inventory. And i can look over at my npc who is using it just fine. But when i equip it, it doesnt show on my character in 3rd person or first person. My character also acts like he has a shield equipped, he does the block animation and all that, but i just cant see the shield. Before you guys say anything the mesh and textures are in the right folders, i checked playable, only things i changed in the nif are the trishape and texture set so it should be just like the other shield.

PLZZZ HELP. Anything would be appreciated.

Edited by RustyShackleford90
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Are you using a custom race? Make sure the shield is set to default race or it won't appear on custom races. Also, make sure you highlighted every race you want the shield to appear on in the armor add on details.
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