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Mod request: Allow Vampire player to toggle perpetual darkness after D


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Just a quick mod request from me really.


Basically I think it sucks that after doing the entire dawnguard quest-line for the vampires, gearing yourself up for the prophesy and so forth, when it actually comes around to it, the best you can do is blot out the sun for a single sodding day... - I mean come on...


So... what I think would be good, would be if we could find a way to perpetually make skyrim dark, as the prophesy said could happen, so that Vampires can roam the world unhindered by the tyranny of the sun! :) In game terms I'm not quite sure how you could implement it, but one way which it could be done, would be say... after you use the blood-cursed arrow, to give the player a new power, which basically allows them to toggle the effect of the sun/sky. That way we can swap back if we want, or leave it that way for as long as we like. It's not the most immersive mod if you consider things like crops failing or whatever due to lack of sunlight, but then again... it is crap doing the entire vampire quest-line and only being able to switch off the sun for a day at a time, and a hassle to fire an arrow off every 24 hours...


Anyway, hope someone can make this! I'm crap at making mods but I think this could be a really cool addition to Dawnguard!

Edited by LordFlashheart
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There has got to be a script dictating the sun's movement. I think looking at the scripts for the final quest (assuming that they are organized that way) is a good place to start. Scripting a power to do it is likely beyond my noobish ability (only touched the CK for more than 10 minutes today) but I might get around to it. I will post info here once I find what can be changed, in the meantime I iwll be tweaking the basic vampirism script... replicating mods that people have been doing for months :psyduck:
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Good to see someone is interested in giving it a try at least :) - would love to see this idea come to fruition.



EDIT: I've just had a thought actually, of an alternate way of implementing the mod - the player could shoot another bloodcursed arrow at the sun (when it's dark) to revert it to the day-time. Alternatively to make it a bit more lore-fitting, the player could fire the magical arrows you get from the snow elf at the temple.

Edited by LordFlashheart
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The only scripts I can find that deal with Auriel's bow, or a projectile related to it, are in the scripts that are not in the CK. For some reason, the CK does not have access to ANY of the Dawnguard scripts... I saw a mod on the Workshop that makes the bow work "for a full daylight cycle"(Perhaps just 24 hours?) so I will ask him how he managed that. Getting it toggleable, or attaching scripts to the Sunhallowed arrows might be a little more difficult, but I will keep ya up to date.
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