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Skyrim crashing when saving the game


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well i think i know how this works 1. to many mods(that means esp files will make your skyrim crash) 2.disbling big mods like player homes or just overhalls or adding large file mods 3. geting your self killed is the only fix that i know of. just did while i was posting this thx 4 the fix
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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
I'm having this problem, too. But I can't figure a way around it. Whenever I first start the game if I continue, and then try to save it crashes. But if I continue, get in game, then open the menu and load the save again I can play and continue as normal. But then the next time I boot up skyrim I still have the same problem.
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  • 4 months later...

the kill self trick stoped working for me and i don't know what to do!

my current character is level 27 and the save file is 8.75Mb


If it helps, here's a list of all my mods i have installed.



(for those who know of the problem of realistic thunder sound, yes it is turned off)


my game also has problems with: fast traveling, entering certain buildings/areas (inside and outside), talking with people at certain points, trading.

Edited by BioManF
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Hey guyz,


I tried every single way that posted in different forums and in this forum and none of them worked for me. I couldnt fix my saving issue. Is there anyone who knows any other way to fix it? Because my character was 92 lvl and i almost made him unstoppable. Now all has gone for me.


The thing that i cant understand is that i quick saved my character and i finished dungeon. When i got to exit to Skyrim, it suddenly crashed! i loaded my last save that was the quick one, tried every save method but all of them crashed the game too. Game works fine when i dont save. However, when i try to save in any place and in any situation, it just crashes and makes me f*#@ing annoying.. :/


So, PLEASE HELP. I dont wanna play all of those things again. (My 2 days earlier save works fine)



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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Figured it out for me and for everybody that has used "SkyUI" once before.


If you activate and save a game while using "SkyUI" and than deactivate/uninstall after the save. than it will crash when ever you try to save or load your game.


The only way I found to fix your save is to reactivate/reinstall SkyUI and you will be able to load and save once again.


This may work for people facing this issue who have used SkyUI

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi folks,


You might have a different problem, but same symptoms. For me, the problem was that Nexus Mod Manager updated and re-downloaded all of my mods. When it did so, it downloaded the most recent version of those mods (something which I failed to realize). Some of them, such as SkyUI, only work with the latest version of SKSE. I was still running on the next oldest SKSE, not realizing that they had updated, so I could play my saves games for about 2 days in game time before they would all start crashing on save. Once I updated to the most recent version of SKSE, the save glitch went away. Hope this helps, I was very distraught while this was happening!

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