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Skyrim - Modding and Endorsrments


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I have made a mod under the impression that when someone clicks "endorsement" that a specified amount of money is sent from one PayPal account to the other. I was deeply wrong. May someone please explain the right system so I may continue making mods? Edited by ILiveOnAsAPillow
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Basically, endorsements are just there so mod users can appreciate those mods they like the most - it's only for the purpose of ranking and appreciation and doesn't have anything to do with money. The only way to get money with your mod is for others freely giving you donations, though you really should check the Nexus' terms on that one! For instance, you are not allowed to directly ask for them - it is a free choice for your users!
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Not sure where you got that impression. An endorsement is essentially a thumbs up, a thank you, a "hey I like this mod and maybe others will too."

Well damn. So I just spent 3 straight days making a mod, but will get no actual currency motivation? Boy, was I very mislead. Where do modders get paid? If at all...

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Many of us work months and months on mods, without any expectation of money... we do it 'cause it's fun to make stuff and share it with other people. If you're doing it for money, well... you picked the wrong hobby.:unsure:
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Many of us work months and months on mods, without any expectation of money... we do it 'cause it's fun to make stuff and share it with other people. If you're doing it for money, well... you picked the wrong hobby.:unsure:

I see. I do find making mods is fun, I guess I legitimately thought that's what Endorse meant - motivation to keep releasing updates and similar mods. That's fine I guess. If you enjoy it, keep doing it.

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Where do modders get paid? If at all...


I modded for 8 years, and did a 3 year degree in art, and only just starting to get paid for it now.

Did you really think it was that easy? Its one of the worst industries to be in :)

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