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My Sigs


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I would like to know what exanimis said.


Anyway yes Sheppard! Anything for you!

So you would like it made from the wallpaper.

So what is your new name that it is using?

I will put that on it.


Right until I know everything about what happened with exanimis and seen as though he has a sig, I only have TriForces, Spyros and yours now. I should be able to do this soon.



Oh and Spyro, can you give a little more detail on how you would like your sig?

It still confuses me a bit.

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if you can fit in a light orange color bit like the the bar in the wall paper with a Futuristic writing even better take your time if you can fit


for the writing can you find a font not to big but fits Futuristic or Mass Effect hehe the name is




Commander Shepard

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Ok thats fine Shep.

I am working on TriForce's currently and it will hopefully be done soon.

Then I have Spyro's to do and then yours.

Yes its quite a big list for me and I have been side-tracked by school.

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Oh and Spyro, can you give a little more detail on how you would like your sig?

It still confuses me a bit.




From left to right i would like to change from this purple to white,with a visible border between the 2 colors.But i need the the white side to take about 3/5 of the sig.Oh and the border to be a vertical one




I already posted the pic.I want it to be on the white side.




Use the same fonts as the previous sig(if you still have them that is?)As well as the same text and name.But this time i want then to be in this colorAnd the text also to be in the white side of the sig.


Well i cant get more descriptive than this.Thanks again Aaron :thumbsup:

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Triforce, here is your new sig.

Shep, here is a simple design one.

Please tell me what you think and what you would like changed.

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