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How do I remove a weapon modification menu without breaking it


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First of all I'm new to modding, I'm just trying to make a weapon mod compatible with my overhauls mod. Basically to match the overhauls standard, I tried to remove a APPR entry and remove any references. But then the weapon model is invisible. Does it require to edit weapon model as well?

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Do you mean the receiver mesh goes invisible after removing the mod association? The "receiver" mesh and p-reciever attach point are essential for a gun when following the vanilla naming convention.

The receiver attach point is where the gun receiver mesh attaches, the receiver mesh/entry has all the other attach points for the gun, so removing receiver will stop everything else showing properly.


It might also help, if you're making a custom weapon to strip back the weapons object template so only your mods will show.


If you're changing the ap attach points to new names etc then you will need the corresponding attach point keyword in the nif as well as in ck :)

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