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I cannot get body texture mods to work


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I just got the steam version of Oblivion and had all my mods set up. I started the game and realized the HG EyeCandy Body mod was not working. I have tried running the archive invalidation and used a program to reset the dates of the BSA files to an older time but the texture mods still will not work. I am pretty sure that steam is causing a conflict with the texture mods. All the other mods work just fine. Anyone know what can be done to fix this?

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These are textures for the HGEC body meshes and are completely incompatible with the vanilla game body.


The reason is because the HGEC changes how body textures are mapped onto the body mesh. In vanilla each body part mesh has a separate body texture, so the foot texture covers the foot mesh, the legs plus lower body texture covers that mesh etc. In HGEC (which is a replacer for the vanilla body meshes and textures) the entire female body with the exception of the hands is covered by a single texture which is named footfemale.dds (so the foot mesh, lower body mesh and the upperbody mesh).


If you look very closely you'll find nipples located somewhere on female character's feet when you try to use HGEC textures on a vanilla female body.


Install a HGEC body (e.g. EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion), then if you want install your Hi Rez.


- Edit - I'm not 100% clear on what you mean by "looks like I'm using HGEC 1.2 version". If you mean you have in fact already installed a complete version of HGEC (i.e. meshes and textures) please give a link to what you have installed.

Edited by Striker879
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