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I am totaly screwed right now. Help.


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You know the glitch in the creation kit where when you edit or make a new NPC, in the game all their tattoos are removed and their head's skintone is different than their bodies? Yeah, I had that so I tried the Ctrl-f4 thing to get an NPC I edited working and It didn't work, nothing would appear in skyrim/textures/actors/chatacter and all that.


So I disabled the mod and and... the NPC I edited still has the skintone glitch... even though the mod is disabled... WTF?!


I thought I needed to deleted a file I made in "textures" with ctrl-f4 but of course, but like I said, nothing would apear in those folders.




What. Is. Going. ON!? *Nerd rage*

Edited by Zazoomah
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In order to properly "create" the head/face mesh files in the Creation Kit, you have to follow this process:


1. Save your ESP changes.


2. Ensure the left side of your "Object Window" is highlighted on the Actors > Actor category folder (eg. open up the "Actors" listing, then left-click on the subcategory "Actor" that appears within the "Actors" category).


3. Search for and find your NPC(s) that you are wanting to generate the face/head meshes for. You can ctrl-left click and choose more than one in the right side of the "Object Window" interface.


4. With your NPC(s) highlighted AND while still having the "Object Window" as your active window (eg. don't go and click somewhere in the render window while you're doing this step).


5. NOW press CTRL-F4. You will get a "Confirm" dialogue window popping up that asks: "Export face gen data for all selected NPCs?" and you click OK button.


** if you fail to do 2,3,4 then "nothing happens" when you press CTRL-F4 ** Go back to step 2 and try again.


6. After a few seconds (more NPCs selected = more pause time), you will eventually get another dialogue window popping up that just says "Done" with an OK button to click.


7. Now you should be able to navigate to the following folders and find your files to include in your ESP download (if you're sharing on the nexus):






:) Hopefully less screwed now. Enjoy!

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