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Mods just don't load?


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I'm new to the skyrim modding scene, because of that I decided to just use NMM seemed like a good idea.


I've downloaded a few mods:

"No Bethesda Intro" (works)

"Player Shack/My Shack" (Does not seem to work)

"SkyUI" (Works but says it's not the correct version or something to that affect)

"Tyreal armor" (No idea if it's working, I'm assuming not)

"Women of skyrim-Enhanced female normal maps" (Not working)


Care to give me some quick pointers on what I should be looking for?

File version is 1.1.12


Also in the launcher the "data files" button is greyed out, I tried activating it in the .ini but that seemed to change nothing.


EDIT/ I should add that I downloaded and installed through NMM and activated them in the plugins area (though some of them do not show up there)

Edited by BMRX
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Your game and Nexus Mod Manager need to be up to date to the latest update.



I have the same problem with this mod




It's an armor mod, but it is not available at the forge...


This is not the first time i've ran into something like this. am i missing something? if the armor is not forgable, is it stored somewhere else?


Everything is up to date.

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If the launcher is greyed out, and you use the NMM that opens the launcher, it won't work, because the launcher resets the plugins/loadorder when it's grey, so that means that whatever the NMM does, it's canceled. Personally, I just rename the SKSE loader into SkyrimLauncher.exe and the original launcher into Launcher.exe that way I don't use the game's launcher.




Maybe it is not forge-able. Open your console and type help "armor name" -0... for example if it's Tyrael, write Tyreal or something.

Edited by xNodus
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