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Exporting a NPC face to my savegame


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I was wondering if its possible to export a custom npc face added by a mod to my playable character? Like making a preset which can be accessed via the showracemenu, or any other way like importing the face straight into my save file. I think there was something similar in oblivion with the face exchanger. Is there anything similar to this in skyrim?
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It is possible to make it a preset and copy the NPC you want, but that's all I know.


There's a mod that copies every NPC in the game to a preset. I forget the name, but if you find it, you could probably see what he did to figure it out.

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Whithin the mod containing the npc,In actors you will see preset, chose whatever one double click on it(chose the appropriate race) In template data on the bottom left chose your npc and click traits, this should make the face the same. You can unclick it again and chose none and it will stay. Then in the character creation menu you can select this preset from the race you put it in, easiest to find if you put it as the first one. This is how I did it.
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If you just click is character facegenpreset in the npc window I do not know how to select it afterwards. The way I said above is easy to find the preset. I noticed that the mod you linked come with the cbbe body meshes for the npcs. Im pretty sure this only means them only. If you want the cbbe body you should install it by itself.


Edit: I you press is charaterfacegenpreset in the npc window the npc gets transported to the preset category. I guess you should be able to find it in the presets after. But I think it will remove the npc from the world and make it preset only. It might even use the body it came with...sorry for my blabbing :)

Edited by perculus
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