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New Spell Request


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I was messing around with the telekinesis spell by carrying around a bunch of skulls and just flinging them at random enemies for fun when I got this idea- I think it would be cool to see a spell where the caster throws a skull at an ememy and then it explodes. It could just be an altered fireball spell that looks like a skull or it could be an enchantable skull that you throw at an enemy using telekinesis. You could make the skulls at the atronach forge or at a normal forge with a human skull and some fire salts or something, maybe even troll skulls if you're good enough with magic, I dunno. Just thought it would be a really cool idea if someone had some extra time on their hands! Edited by oOlaquerheadOo
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Wow, like quan chi from mortal kombat. I'll give it a try, though i make no promises, cause last time i tried to make a new spell it didn't work out :(


That's exactly what I was thinking, as a matter of fact. I know it's probably a little crazy as far as the work involved, but it would be really cool if the skull was engulfed in green fire and laughed like crazy while it flew towards the taget. Yeah, that's badass.

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Invincible skulls? Crazy stuff, do they just keep flying forever?

I'm just now getting started with modding myself, I'm actually in the middle of downloading 3ds Max to start off. Gonna try my hand at new meshes and all that jazz. I'm hoping to get good enough to add a set of armor similar to the elite knight set from Dark Souls. I've seen a lot of Dark Souls requests on these forums so I thought I'd give it a shot.

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