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Can a Script remove the stolen flag? What about applying it?


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Is it possible? Reason for the first question:

I'm imagining a script to automatically remove the stolen flags from items after some period of time has passed as if it had been "laundered" by any of the half-dozen or so vanilla means I've seen after a google search on the topic.


I don't know what complications, if any, might arise if an item is not on the Dragonborn's person when the time period runs out, I suspect it would depend on how such a script was written or implemented; ideally something should be done to address the possibility of a stolen item being left in a container or lying around or something. Also detecting if it has already been "laundered" via another means would be nice.


Ideally with the script able to detect the value and apply a wait of gold value (or maybe gold value divided by 5 or something in a similar vein) in weeks, basically making it so the guards will eventually "forget" that an item is stolen with more valuable items taking longer as they'd be under more pressure to find say a silver candlestick than a carrot. Also unique items, such as those from the Museum, ought to be a lot harder to unload, basically requiring a fence and forever leaving the flag in place. I am aware this would definitely complicate the concept, so while this is preferred it is not strictly required.


Another ideal but not required component would be for the script to recognize if the NPC it was stolen from dies, and if so do something like halve the remaining time.



Reasons for the second question:

A secondary idea is to have the flag go away if you physically travel far enough away as well, again preferably variant by item value and/or uniqueness (i.e. only local guards will be aware of a carrot, but several towns if not all of Skyrim ought to know about gold diamond jewelry or unique items such as from the Museum gone missing), with it returning if you go back while the timer is still ticking down, but I imagine that would drastically increase the complexity, and with magic in this world I suspect one can handwave all the guards across Skyrim being alerted that something was reported as stolen pretty easily.


A tertiary idea is to apply the stolen flag to items that are pickpocketed from anyone who isn't themselves an outlaw, with the same above mechanisms to remove the flag after enough time has passed, albeit I'd be okay with a shorter time if you're not caught in the deed of the pickpocketing.




Note if it is believed that this is possible but whoever responds would rather point me at how to develop this myself, I probably will be able to do so but it will likely be a while, as aside from sometimes being lazy I don't have Skyrim installed atm (planning to download it tomorrow; Comcast is so freaking messed up with their stupid data cap, playing the ESO free weekend broke it for me) and I've yet to get into Skyrim scripting specifically (albeit I did do a little reading and mod tweaking in Morrowind, as well as other scripting languages, so I should be able to figure it out).

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