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The meaning of Wrye Bash's symbols can be found in section 5c of Wrye Bash General Readme.html (found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder).


I have never found an instance where I needed to not follow WB's suggestions, except the one case where I was trying to get a mod I created to work alongside the UOP and a bashed patch (but in that case I knew exactly what I was trying to achieve as I was the one who created the ESP).

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One quick question on Wrye Bash edits: Following installing another mod and having to remove a mod to make a repair for some reason, should I recheck the unchecked ESPs? I want them in the patch if they need to be.



Do you mean you uninstalled a mod, which removed its previously-merged-and-deactivated plugins, then reinstalled it and now want to know what to do with the again-deactivated-but-not-merged plugins?


If you reactivate previously-deactivated plugins and go to recompile your patch, then it will simply auto-deactivate them yet again, so if ever in doubt, do that.


If a plugin is still virtually-active (auto-deactivated after merge), then every time you recompile the patch again it will know that and keep it so.


If in doubt, you can always go check the different option sections for recompiling the Bashed Patch. In one, or more, of them the virtually-deactivated/merged plugin will be marked. The sections usually have names like "merge plugins" or "import XYZ records" or something along that line (can't recall exact wording right now). Not without reason does it give you a whole dialog menu popup for you to fine-tune and verify the settings, while it gives you the button to recompile the patch.

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Wrye Bash has a nice feature I just discovered. If you need to eliminate a mod to see if it is causing your game to hang all you need to worry about unchecking is the ESM file. Bash will automatically disable every ESP file that depends on that mod.

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What a mod includes has a large bearing on what you'll need to do when troubleshooting.


If a mod only has an ESP often just disabling the ESP will suffice for troubleshooting purposes. Even mods that come with meshes and textures can sometimes just have the ESP disabled for testing provided they only include custom meshes and/or textures (i.e. resources that will only load via an ESP). If a mod includes assets that work as a simple replacer (via archive invalidation) then a complete uninstall is the only way to be certain you are troubleshooting without any effects from the mod.

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