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So, regarding Mod Conflict Detection and Conflict Resolution....


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...what do you guys use? Is Wrye Bash the only utility available for this purpose?


For the latest two installments of Fallout, I use FO3Edit and FNVEdit to detect conflicts, create "Manual Patch Plug-ins" and "Merged Patches", but I don't see where an "EDIT" Utility is available for Skyrim. At present with Skyrim, I manage my mods (only running 8 currently) with NMM, manipulate the load order with BOSS and have installed SKSE. Latest version of everything. I've made some minor tweaks to the .ini but that's really about it, pretty lean (and stable).


So if Wrye Bash is the only option, how would I go about integrating it into what I'm already using? I've read most of the "Read Me" for Wrye, but it seems slightly daunting, particularly "Bashed Patch" creation. Would I uninstall NMM and use Wrye to install/activate my mods instead? I like the NMM, particularly for how it shows when there's a later version of a mod I'm running.


Also, what do Steam Workshopper's use to detect/resolve conflicts? I'm loyal to The Nexus, but am just curious....


Sorry if already covered ad nauseum. Thanks in advance Guys! :)

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I use Wrye Bash to a degree for this (Bash Installers Tab), but mainly for FILE COMPONENT conflict resolution. This, for me, especially with my many mods, is very helpful.


In terms of pure mod "conflicts", until TESVEdit is done, I'm not sure there's any easy way.


Re Steam, my guess is that those who stick to it exclusively probably don't do any conflicts resolution. Others I know who still use Steam also use Nexus.



BTW, I'm working on a mod right now that will include your namesake. :P

Edited by Mujuro
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So, taking the above into consideration, do you guys know any good step-by-step newbie guide for setting Wrye Bash for Skyrim and creating Bashed Patch? Obviously to make it work with NMM, you'd need to relocate your NMM Mods and Install Info folders to the ones that Wrye Bash is using, am I right?


But what about the Wrye Bash config, and actual creation of bashed patch? Any good and easy to follow guides out there? I remember from using WB for Oblivion, there was very specific config for WB, some tickboxed were not supposed to be ticked etc...

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