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Everything posted by Mujuro

  1. @ambergypsy You can configure Ceri's speech/banter through her dialogue configuration, ranging from frequency, probability, duration between comments, etc. Instructions on how to do so are in the Quest and Dialogue/Banter FAQ section. Note that Ceri already "checks" for others speaking around her (e.g., player is in dialogue already); if it's not triggering, there may be some performance/script delay going on. This detection can also be toggled in Ceri's configuration, details are also in the link above. Also, please post questions on Ceri's main thread, I check there much more often than here. :)
  2. @playtryout Please post questions and issues into Ceri's main support thread. What it sounds like you have going on here is either a bad install (possibly bad download missing asset files) or load order. Try redownloading and doing the install again off a baseline/minimal save. Also, verify your load order is OK.
  3. AlberichMX is correct, it's Cerwiden that adds the door. The door is part of her backstory quest installment. If you'd like more information about Ceri's backstory quest installments, please take a look at the Spoiler Guide (in the Optional Files download area). There's also a map of the various plot locations used in her backstory quest in the Images area.
  4. Create a property (let's call it "nextQuest" for now) and bind it to the new quest you want. Then at the desired quest stage add: nextQuest.Start() For quest clean-up purposes, you can either add clean-up (e.g., stopping the current quest) along with this or do it at one of the early/initialization stages of the new quest.
  5. These are typically handled inside quests. In your specific example, the line is handled by the DialogueFavorGeneric quest; you then (re)do the associated dialogue fragment into your spell's magic effect script.
  6. I may be misunderstanding what you're trying to do, but I believe you may be overcomplicating things. If your "activated" actor is an NPC, you can handle what you mention in the CK's quest interface as a script fragment without attaching a script to an object (your actor). You'd simply create your dialogue, and either bind the fragment to the dialogue fragment itself (e.g., in the box for after a line is spoken) or, alternatively, use the dialogue fragment to SetStage() and have your trigger actions in the stage fragment. Without knowing more about exactly what you're trying to do when the dialogue ends, this is the only general advice I can give.
  7. It should be possible, but how to implement would in large part depend on how the spell effect/script is done to begin with. For example, if the effect is handled via a script that extends ActiveMagicEffect, you could include a condition to do your check, e.g., to extend your example, something like: Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) If !akTarget.IsPlayerTeammate() ... Whatever kill script/sweetroll effect you want here ... endIf endEvent
  8. What Georgiegril suggested is a great place to start diagnosis, as it will help narrow down potential causes (and for CTDs generally, there are many potentials ... that and your immediate CTD cause may not necessarily be the proximate cause). Also, remember that your RAM (and associated utilization) isn't the same as VRAM ... If you really are getting a VRAM issue, as Georgiegril mentioned, you could very well be running out of VRAM (of which you mentioned having 1GB, not 8GB) *OR* you could have one or more invalid/messed up textures. Having you tried a console "PCB" (purge cell buffer)? While this won't solve issues relating to invalid textures, if there's a memory issue, this would clear out other cells you may have cached.
  9. Did you try setting ownership on the bed you're trying to use? Also, do you have any sort of active/unpaid bounty? From what I understand, this glitch does tend to happen a bit, and you may have to load up an earlier save and see if it still occurs. :( Regarding it not showing in the CK, it's probably because the house is "built" dynamically.
  10. Hmm, if you were trespassing, I'd imagine the value would be 1 rather than 0. Check one of the follower NPCs and see what value they return. If I remember accurately, in order for the trespass line to be said, the player must be trespassing and the (speaking) NPC *not* trespassing. Did you verify the bed you're trying to use is player-owned?
  11. I'm assuming you verified ownership of the cell itself as the player/faction (including in the CK)? Assuming ownership checks out, you may be running into an age-old Skyrim issue relating to trespassing. You can try using the console with 'IsTrespassing' and see what comes up.
  12. This is an excellent addition, thanks much!
  13. @demidekidasu Re your 2nd script, by all accounts, it should work. I've read a number of posts about how scripts tied to ObjectReference don't always perform consistently, with alleged causes ranging from CK glitches to how a mod gets packaged (BSA vs. loose PEX for scripts) to NMM failing to install properly. I don't believe there's any definitive causal "proof", but after reading so many posts on this, I ended up taking a "workaround" approach for stuff I needed to do (and, fortunately, no glitches reported yet from these particular scripts). What I ended up doing was creating a quest wrapper for the objects, with the associated scripts not doing anything besides setting quest stages to track progress (e.g., player has read the book). The consequences of reading the book (e.g., giving the player an item) get handled in the quest framework instead of directly by reading the book. This approach requires a bit more work up-front, but may be a bit more reliable. It also gives you/your users a secondary option if the book doesn't work as intended (e.g., you can do a simple quest setstage to get to the point you need).
  14. I'd agree that the best approach is to get explicit permissions, but understand the difficulty when the authors may not be on Nexus. That said, if you're able to "fix" without incorporating the authors' assets into your own mod, that MAY be an option, but I'd check with the Nexus staff/moderators first (e.g., doing a true patch via de-isolation, where the original mod would still be a download + install requirement). I guess it boils down to how Nexus defines "modifying" a file, as with a true patch, the authors' original works remain 100% intact and continue to be a requirement.
  15. I could be completely offbase here, but does RegisterForSingleUpdate even work with ObjectReference (vs. aliases, ActiveMagicEffect, etc.)? When I've used it (working fine), it's been off a quest alias or an applied enchantment.
  16. I could be wrong, but doesn't OnEffectStart extend ActiveMagicEffect and not Actor? If you're using selfRef to mean the "boss" for casting the spell, I'm also assuming that you've got the corresponding Actor property set properly. Beyond that, it's what Arron Dominion said. :)
  17. You may also want to contact tonycubed2, author of Sands of Time/Sleeping Dangers. His mod has configurable ambush settings across a large number of scenarios that include "where" the bed is located.
  18. You can, which is why you sometimes see mods with both Skyrim.esm and Update.esm as masters. :) If you have any issues setting it up, just post again.
  19. You can simply load apachii's esm as a dependency in the CK, and then tell your users that they need to have it as well. To do this, you'll need to have your SkyrimEditor.ini updated to include "bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1" under the [General] section.
  20. Hi everyone, I just got back from my family vacation on Tuesday and am now catching up on work and slowly getting back to working the next Ceri installment. Thanks for all of your thoughts and feedback, please keep those coming. @Aelthas I've been in contact with Elric's voice actor to see if he's available to do more lines for additional quests and/or become a full follower. My preliminary concern with making Elric a full follower is Stormbringer. I'm actually working on extending the tank+taunt ability Elric has in Ceri v1.7 to allow for it to be assigned to other (vanilla system) followers. And no worries at all about mentioning other follower mods here (Atvir, Vilja, et al.); I'd like to think of Ceri as being complementary to other followers, rather than being in direct competition with them. @lordrichter I'd been chatting with Emma and her team, as well as JanusForbeare and DreamKingMods, about interactivity, which we're all going to be working in Q1 2013, but also the start of a framework for our followers. So far, they're none to crazy about the latter idea simply because they're mods handle similar functions differently, and would require a fair bit of effort to try to re-integrate those functions back into a single framework. This is perfectly understandble, as they removed their followers from the vanilla system for good reason. I'm still thinking about how to achieve a "best of both worlds" scenario ... if it is even possible. To some of your other comments: Horses and Riding Behavior: One of the reasons why Ceri "responds" as she does with CH is because she's still in the vanilla system and, as such, gets full benefit from using CH. The reason why CH is generally more responsive, particularly if you have a decent rig, is because CH polls frequent checks against your followers and you while riding, such that they "detect" the environment around them much faster than vanilla Bethesda defaults. I'd go as far as saying that CH does 15x+ the detection checks as vanilla, which why is the responsiveness is so much better. The drawback, by contrast, relates to quest-based NPCs (e.g., Ceri and Vilja) that have some sort of plot-destination functionality. CH forces riding followers to "follow" and, as such, doesn't allow the followers to "lead" while riding (hence Ceri's v1.7 custom horse override of CH for certain plot segments). And this is a case in point on the pros/cons of having a follower in vanilla ... if we were to try and do custom horses and have them as awesome in responsiveness as CH, we'd basically need to replicate the core of the system and, if you're using CH already, you're DOUBLING your event-check overhead. This sort of thing would likely pose performance issues for folks with less-than-high-end rigs. Sandboxing Behavior: Serana is only "partially" in the vanilla system, and has a very different sandbox/idle AI than NPCs in the vanilla follower system (note that Followers Can Relax replicates Serana's sandbox/idle behavior for the vanilla follower system). Ceri does NOT have any custom sandbox code; because she's in the vanilla system, use whatever sandbox parameters are offered by the framework/improvement mods (UFO, EFF, FCR, etc.). By contrast, I'm assuming Vilja uses completely custom sandboxes, so what she does when "relaxing" will be driving by the custom parameters set up. So it would indeed be possible to give non-system followers Serana's sandbox features, it's a matter of replicating it ... which was what I was originally seeking to AVOID doing, simply because FCR already built that functionality. :P Inn Behavior: This is very similar to the above relating to being in the vanilla follower system. I'm guessing that Emma's removal of Vilja from the system and/or other specific factions (which are what control certain aspects of "inn" behavior like bard audiences, etc.) is why she behaves differently, and very likely this was an intentional move on her part because Vilja is an aspiring bard. @TehKaoZ It's something I'm very carefully considering, and have been experimenting a bit to see if I can get the "independence" without completely breaking her out of vanilla. So far, it's not been meeting my expectations, but more because of possible confusion between the commands offered by the framework/improvement mods versus some new, custom equivalents I'd been testing for Ceri (e.g., sandbox behaviors). On a completely tangential note, the author of Valfar (Omesean) and RDT (Reaper911) created a new, custom outfit for Ceri that will be part of Ceri's next quest installment. :) @indomidable The archetype concept was something I wanted to work on since the early Ceri versions, but didn't get a chance to experiment much with until Ceri's v1.7 (current) release. And even now, it's only "experimental" and partially implemented, as the warrior/tank/taunt archetype is specific to Elric and only available during Ceri's v1.7 quest installment. I'm working on extending this to be more generic, but will likely only apply to those in the vanilla system. I've already spoken with Emma and her team, as well as JanusForbeare and DreamKingMods about archetypes for their respective followers, but they don't want another mod (including this one) applying archetypes to their combat behaviors.
  21. @Exsanguinatio With all else equal, I'm going to try and avoid having a completely new horse for Ceri, but if I need to, at least the base of it is there for summoning, mounting, etc. Alek did such an amazing job with CH, so I'd like to keep full compatibility with that if possible. The only catch is that I'd have to go the "exception" route again if any of Ceri's future quest installments involve her taking the player to plot destinations while on horseback/riding. @Triaxx2 Yes, Vilja is outside the vanilla system. I've not had the chance to do much playing lately, much less digging around in the CK, but if I remember accurately, UFO's dialogue conditions aren't consistent. E.g., some of them aren't targeted to the CurrentFollowerFaction, PotentialFollowerFaction, etc., but rather, to ancillary factions (e.g., WIFollowerCommentFaction). So if those dialogue options are showing up for followers outside the vanilla system (e.g., Vilja), I'd bet that either the base actor form *OR* a quest alias has the follower in one of those ancillary factions. Anyways, that'd be my guess as to why "You know ..." doesn't show, but other commands from UFO do show.
  22. Hi everyone, Thanks for the thoughts, ideas and feedback! I've been thinking a lot about the pros and cons of removing Ceri from the vanilla follower system lately, and I *MAY* have a method that would allow for the best of both worlds, but it is still conceptual right now, and I still have to build the prototype and test against performance on less-than-uber rigs. If this crazy idea I have works, I'll be able to remove most of the limitations (not all) of having Ceri in the vanilla system for purposes of wardrobe, sandboxing, sneak and combat, but still be able to leverage improvements from other mods (e.g., Convenient Horses, Wearable Lanterns, etc.). This is still very early in my concept design and I'll update here as I get farther down the path. To answer some of the questions you all have asked: Ceri and her own horse I've been dodging this simply because Convenient Horses already exists, and many Ceri users also use this mod. Note that in Ceri's v1.7x quest, Ceri does have her own (summonable) horse because I had to override the CH horse, so the core functionality for a personalized horse is already in the mod. I'll think more on whether to make that available outside Ceri's backstory quest. If I do end up making Ceri's own horse available outside the quest, Reaper9111 graciously has offered to do custom textures. :) Interaction with other custom followers This is something that I've wanted to do now for a while, and have been speaking with Emma and her team, JanusForbeare and DreamKingMods about it. We're still working out the mechanics (I've got a generic framework built for this already, and gave the code to them, but that's the easy part), as the difficult part of this is to write the interaction scenes and then find a way to ensure the mods do so only at appropriate times (e.g., Ceri shouldn't interfere with Vilja while she's demonstrating Solstheim traditions, and Vilja shouldn't interfere when Ceri's talking with Sonal, etc.). My guess is that this functionality won't be in our respective mods before sometime in early 2013, as a practical matter. On some specific comments: @Wasbunny AFT does 'conflict' a bit more with Ceri versus UFO and EFF, simply because certain AFT functions override Ceri's more often than the commands from the other frameworks. This is one of the definite drawbacks of being in the vanilla system. @blast0r You shouldn't be getting that spell until after you meet her if you're using one of the more recent versions of Ceri; when I'd originally implemented that in v1.2 (or v1.1, I can't quite remember) it was given to the player automatically, but I changed that a while back so that you shouldn't be getting it until after you meet. I'll double check that though.
  23. It is actually fairly simple once you understand the basic concepts of that tutorial. If your mod dependencies are all already ESMs, you don't need to do anything special, it is just when you have ESP dependencies. Alternatively, if you can get permission from the authors of your dependencies, you could package the components with yourod andmake it standalone, noting that this likely won't work for the "race" part of your mod.
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