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Navmesh - Finalizing a Large World Space Question.

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I'm presently navmeshing the New Harbor Baseline Resource map which is actually the map of Far Harbor. The navmeshing cell by cell is tedious but coming along fine, I'm looking ahead at the finalization of the map.


My question has to do with the Creation Kit choices for finalizing World Space,


There is,


Check Worldspace Cells for Finalize


Finalize Worldspace


Force Finalize WorldSpace


and above all of these is,


Finalize Loaded Area,


I know that information on the Wiki about using Finalize Worldspace is actually pretty old and is copied from the GECK wiki and finalizing a map the size of this one, I'm pretty sure, would take a very long time and most likely would lead to a crash.


The choice Finalize Loaded Area is what I'm wondering about. When I pull back on the render window I can load up to nine to twelve cells . Would this constitute a loaded area?


If anyone has info on finalizing a map this large I would appreciate any suggestions, thanks.






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