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Hello :smile:


Sorry for another Thread, but I've reached a Point where I need Help with.


Well, I want (an example) Paladin Danse to stay in a certain Area in a Settlement and only sandboxing there.

The Problem: He won't do that :huh:


I created a new Packages, pointed the Location to a XMarker in on of the Houses in Sanctuary and put

that Packages in his AI Packages List. After that failed I'd done the same, but instead of a XMarker I'd used

a Triggerbox (PackagesSandboxPrimitiv).


I looked for Help in the Forum and found an older Post with similar Problems, so I tried the solution and put Danse

in the "WorkshopNoPackages" Faction. Still, he wander around the Settlement and don't even go near the House.


I'm missing something here :ermm:

Any ideas what it is?



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Probably Package Priority. When a companion is dismissed to a settlement they pick up WorkshopMasterPackage from the WorkshopPermanentActors quest which is priority 40, so takes precedence over any packages directly attached to actors.


If you have a script attached to Danse see what package is active with a DebugTrace() of GetCurrentPackage()


If that is your problem you need to create a new start game enabled quest with a RefCollection alias that has your package added and a quest script that monitors the CompanionChange event to add and remove companions to that alias. The mix of functions and events you will be interested in are:


RegisterForCustomEvent((pFollowers as FollowersScript), "CompanionChange") 
Event FollowersScript.CompanionChange(FollowersScript akSender, Var[] akArgs)
(ThisREF as Actor).EvaluatePackage()
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Uhm, call me an idiot (if you want) but I got somehow lost.


I understand what you pointing out (and it makes sense), but what should I do now?


I don't know anything about scripting and well ... feel lost now ö.ö

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There's a marker/activator called "WorkshopRelaxationArea".

Make it big enough, link it to the workbench and your NPC will spend their free time there.

(I don't recall it needing a keyword)

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Well, no.


I tried it and same result. Danse still wander around without even looking at that House.

I'm guessing SKK50 is right (and that's bad, because I still don't know how to work with

his solution.)

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