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Dawnguard crossbow/bug/glitch/WTF?


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So, i got dawnguard yesterday and i started playing and everything was going fine until i saw THE BUTCHERY OF MY CROSSBOW ANIMATIONS.


Someone else who had my bug posted a video on youtube.


I haven't seen any other bugs take place so far.



Note: I even uninstalled and reinstalled my skyrim before this happened, i also tried deleting/turning off all my mods.


Nothing changed.




Edit: so i played a bit more and found these bugs in my game:


1. Eyes don't glow


2. Vampire lord is bugged, can't use any powers and there's no ground fighting animations.


3. Gargoyles are bugged and can only move but cannot attack or use any movement animation.


4. It takes 10 years to transform into a vampire lord.

Edited by Anonoymous
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I solved it by extracting Update.bsa and overwriting everything it came across. I don't know what mod might have broke it or what but, well, it's fixed for me now.


Specifically, my guess is meshes\actors\character\behaviors\crossbow_direction_behavior.hkx

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Maybe someone could share those missing files? Because ''data/meshes/actors/character/behaviors/'' in this location folder i got only 1 file named ''mt_behavior.hkx'' so i dunno what to do ;X

P.S. How did u extract that Update.bsa?

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Aaah! i needed just to delete 2 files from ''data/meshes/actors/character/characters/defaultmale.hkx'' and ''data/meshes/actors/character/characters female/defaultfemale.hkx'' now crossbow is working as it should be xP
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