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I have a couple of friends just started at Linclon Uni, and they seem quite happy so far.


Did wonder how much actual use the books will be. Hopefully can sell them second hand when i'm done. Or at least use them as door stops.

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Times have changed since I was your ages, I quit highschool in 1966 rather than get a hair cut. Don't emulate that decision please, it worked out for me but does not for most. I joined the Active army on 15 March 1967, and retired 31 March 1987. I used my time in the military wisely at times, they offered to pay 90% of my education expenses, so I decided to abuse their gratitude a little, and in the course of the next 3 years acquired and mba and mbs is business...at present I am 9 hours away from my PHD which I plan to complete when I retire. Not to do anything with it, just to accomplish a task I set myself to 30 years ago.


What do I do now, that which I enjoy. I love the looks on the faces of my customers when I show up and announce, "Good Morning, I am Micky with Qwest Communications and I have an order this morning to install your High Speed Internet Network that you have requested."


This is really what I look Like:




You should see their expressions, PRICELESS.


Micky aka Buddah

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I started University on September, and I am studying Anglogermanic Philology & Linguistics at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Such a beautiful place, the only problem I have nowadays is the distance between my hometown and the uni, because I do not have a car or a motorbike and I must go on public transport (that means that I use to spend 3 hours and 20 minutes everyday in a bus)
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