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Everything posted by shalheira

  1. I've just ended Metalocalypse's 2nd season. I'm eager for more!
  2. Nice to meet you, too ^.^
  3. Sell your body... in my pants ~ Turbonegro I believe in a thing called love... in my pants ~ The Darkness A Poisoned Gift... in my pants ~ Moonspell This love... in my pants ~ Pantera T.N.T... in my pants ~ AC/DC The Angel falls... in my pants ~ Chrome Divison Spirit of the forest... in my pants ~ Korpiklaani English fire ... in my pants ~ Cradle of Filth
  4. Would you like to be my friend?
  5. Decal_mirror, I don't know how goes it in another countries, as I know in Spain the reward is between 40-50 € for donating, depending of the region.
  6. Here's another song! It's from a catalonian heavy metal band called "Sangtraït" (Bruise, in english) from their cd "Contes i llegendes" (1993). I think that the lyrics maybe have a hidden message... :wink: think it for yourself :whistling: I've translated them, but some expressions in my language are very difficult to change to english, therefore, I searched another similar expressions El País de Mandorcórovi ~ Sangtraït (The Land of Mandorcórovi) Un món imaginari on som menys que les bèsties, (An imaginary world, where we are less than the beasts) on van sobre Unicornis verges i dimonis, (when virgins and demons ride unicorns) buscant sota les pedres un tio que les torni boges, (they are looking for under the stones a guy who turn on them mad) servint, fins que s'els mori, d'esclau eròtic. (being useful, till his death, an erotic slave) Ès un món, ja saps, que no existeix, (In a world that don't exists, do you know,) on les dones van buscant els carrers. (where women are looking for the streets ) Tinc por que em trobin fugint de les seves flexes, (I am afraid that they found me scaping from their arrows) cridant com si fosin verges i dimonís. (shouting like virgins and demons) Vigila les dones surten a caçar. (Beware! Women are on hunting!) Vigila, que potser tu cauràs. (Beware! They can catch you) Un món on per las dones tu ets peix dins un aquari (A world where for women you are a fish into an aquarium) flotant entre dues aigües. Verges i dimonís. (floating between two waters. Virgins and demons) Pescant amb xarxa oberta un peix que els doni guerra, (Fishing with an open net a warrior fish) servint fins que s'els ofegui d'esclau eròtic. (being useful, till his drowning, an erotic slave) Estic vivint l'ultim moment, (I'm living the last moment) estic caien, ja soc un mes (I'm drowning, I'm another one) corrent pel món, com els conills... (Running through the world, like a rabbit)
  7. I think that the following song hides a very special message... It is one of my favourites from Moonspell. Capricorn At Her Feet ~ Moonspell Snowbird, ablaze and hurt. Brighter, fearless, just like a runaway. Princess never-a-smile. Oh, child! What makes you try? Crying and sobbing You greet the other day She who never touches ground. Spreading an eclipse. Where never the sun shines, At her feet. Frostbite, Astray, Will, Faith. Haunting, hunting ,she rules the game. Twin soul you are always a strange. Nothing ever makes you afraid? Promising, threatening. She looks the other way Starlike, but never to be counted. Look at your hands, child! Destinies grow back to them. Daughter sun With nothing to say. Never a fullmoon Just the sickening ray. Prudent. In tears hiding, No water shed. The sign of the Cross Will take you to bed. In Capricorn. Spreading an eclipse May never the sun shine At her feet...
  8. Yes, there are my eyes ^_^
  9. Thanks for your comment! It's always nice to see female gamers!
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