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Improving Taverns.


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In this thread, we discuss ways in which we (if given the power) would improve the taverns located throughout Skyrim. For the sake of theory, I must ask that you refrain from ideas in which the size and shape of the tavern come into question. Just discuss ideas which can fit into the "Vanilla" tavern model we see in Skyrim. (When it pertains to Skyrim)


*How would you make taverns more lively?


*Quest Orientated?



Basically anything that would make you want to spend time in a tavern, other than to get the well rested bonus.

(Keep in mind, that these theories can very much apply to Future TES games in other provinces, with varied cultures...

*The desert taverns of the Alikr in Hammerfell

*The shoreline inns of the Summerset Isles

*The Ewok style canopy cities of Valenwood

*Or the highrise metropolis style of Cyrodill)


How Would You Make A Better Tavern?

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