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skyrim time based on computer clock


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I need a very basic mod that makes it so that the time in skyrim is based on my computer clock and also this mod should make it so that the time is displayed on the bottom right side of the screen. 12-hour clock and digital format is preferred.
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Its possible to make Skyrim time = real time

you can setting Skyrim time via console:

- open your console

- type set timescale to #### (change #### to number, default is 20. I prefer 10 to 5 (1 hour of Skyrim = 10 minutes of real time))

- for real time, type set timescale to 1 (1 hour of Skyrim = 1 hour of real time). but I don't recommended it

- if you The Sims time :D , change the number to 60

- don't use 0, because will make a lot of bugs

- you can change the number to thousand number (example, 1000), recommended for lighting mod and ENB testing :thumbsup:

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Its possible to make Skyrim time = real time

you can setting Skyrim time via console:

- open your console

- type set timescale to #### (change #### to number, default is 20. I prefer 10 to 5 (1 hour of Skyrim = 10 minutes of real time))

- for real time, type set timescale to 1 (1 hour of Skyrim = 1 hour of real time). but I don't recommended it

- if you The Sims time :D , change the number to 60

- don't use 0, because will make a lot of bugs

- you can change the number to thousand number (example, 1000), recommended for lighting mod and ENB testing :thumbsup:


Although this is a great way to make it realtime, its not computer based time. I'd like it also, to have the games time based on the computer clock so I know when its bedtime by the lighting in skyrim xD. there was a mod like this for oblivion, and for "hours slept" it measured how long you set your "sleep" for and thensubtracted the time the game was closed from this number, effectively creating a turn off to sleep system.

if any modder would like to look into something like this it would be an idea to find the oblivion mod that did the same. Sorry I can't be of any more help OP

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