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My items won't disappear..ç


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my problem is that i throwed a lot of items to the ground in a cave thinking that they'll be deleted etc. but after i returned to that cave after 3 month in game time later they're still there -_- how come? and my save files are bloating i think that's the cause of it...
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In game, open console (probably the tilde key ~) , mouse click the item and type "markfordelete" (without the quotes). They will be removed the next time you load the game. Just make sure you are pointing to the correct item, because you can't undo this, as far as I know.
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Not that I know of, other than returning to an old savegame or starting a new game, but I wonder if you might be experiencing bloat for a different reason? Have you tried any other fixes? There are also a number of mods that other people have noticed give them bloat. Maybe post your mods and see if anyone notices one that could be the issue?


Also, from my experience, 16 mb isn't that much bloated....my last game I was running around 14 mb, and was not having issues. What are the problems you are experiencing, exactly? Also computer specs?

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