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Dawnguard - Mods


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Don't have Dawnguard, but I would think that it would work fine with those types of mods. If you have any mods that change game mechanics (combat, leveling, npcs, etc) you might have issues. Texture, graphics, UI, and even weapon/armor mods don't usually conflict with much.


But like I said I don't have Dawnguard. I've seen threads with people having mod problems and people playing fine with over a hundred mods.

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If a mod don't update the same content as Dawnguard, it tends to be fine.

I.E. Vampire overhauls, werewolf overhaul, stuff that edits certain dungeons specificly used for danwguard quests and so forth.


Also, if you uinstall mods, do it properly. If you simply removee 30 mods, like some do, they get a corrupt game. This leads to crashes, and unnecessary rage against Bethesda.



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