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Lighting, ENBs and Night Eye


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Does anyone use an ENB as well as lighting mods and a mod to enhance Night Eye? I am playing a Khajiit and I chose it because of the Khajiit Night Eye ability. I was then very disappointed to see that the Night Eye ability does not do anything while I am using Re-Engaged ENB and Enhanced Light and FX.


I tried using Realistic Night Eye and Vampire's Sight. The mod installed fine but in game did absolutely nothing. Then I tried Enhanced ENB Night Eye. Like RNEV, it also did nothing. Finally I tried Night Eye Overhaul. During installation I chose the option to make the Night Eye effect permanent so it could be toggled on and off and I chose the 300% brightness so there was no chance that I simply didn't notice if the light change is only slight. This time, not only did it not work but instead, now when I try and activate my night eye I get the sound that you get when you try and cast a magic spell while not having enough magic.


I also tried to use The Ring of Nighteye and Ring of ultravision. Both of these mods caused crashes with my game so I gave up on them.


Should I just give up on Night Eye or does anyone have any suggestions for getting it going?

Edited by Deseoso
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