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3ds Max Help - Meshes


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I'm trying to put a mod together that separates individual pieces of armor sets and place them into Skyrim as stand-alone armor add-ons just like the mod bandolier - bags and pouches, just on a larger scale. I miss the way the armor was equipped in Morrowind where you could equip a left pauldron from the iron armor set and a right pauldron from the steel set, etc.


I've discovered that you cannot separate and mash-up meshes from Skyrim in nifskope like you could with Oblivion. I really have no idea how to deconstruct meshes with 3ds Max and I have been unable to locate a tutorial that might help teach me how to do this. If anyone knows of a tutorial that fits this description and can point me in the proper direction, I would be much obliged.

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