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Nameless Creatures


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Might as well mention my bug about dawnguard, some of the creatures have missing names. the health bars appear, the lines that appear on either side of the target name are there, but no name. the so far ive seen it with the mutant black dog things and the living statues, but im sure there are more. humans/vampires are fine so far it could just be me but if anyone else knows what im dealing with please help.


only mod off hand that im using that has dawnguard as a master is Better Vampires but i dont think it does any thing to creatures like the mutant dogs or statues.

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I can confirm that I have the same problem though I have only seen a few other mentions of it. Also this bug seems to be for non-unique enemies. While I, unsurprisingly, have a number of mods installed I can't find any that are causing this bug. Is there anyone else who has had this bug and/or knows how to fix it? Any help would be much appreciated.


(While I know this thread is old I thought it better to revive it than start a new one on the same problem.)

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Hooray! I've found possible solutions! Thanks to dAb in this post.


Possible solution one: follow instructions here.

Possible solution two: follow instructions here.


I've done both of these and will see whether it works (I'll update on whether they were successful later).

Edited by Cryptogram
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