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What woulld you like to see in the next DLC?


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Maybe you own some shares of a game company huh?

what if i did, who cares, its not the point, we studios plan games they have a schedule to follow, if they think of adding random things in along the way then the game would constantly be delayed and you would be pissed they are taking to long, dlc is an expansion, an add on, something extra they thought of either after release or during creation and they couldnt put it in because it was never planned for. if you dont like having to pay for things then dont play them, no one is saying you have to, the only thing your losing is the experience of playing it. me on the otherhand I dont have a problem with paying for extra content and dont see a reason that i should

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Next DLC? I don't even have this DLC yet. I'd rather have a full expansion than another DLC. And it should involve the Thalmor. It could be "The Empire Strikes Back" or "Ulfric Strikes Back" at the Thalmor. The player would have to perform reconnaissance missions and steal valuable intelligence to determine the goals and plans of the AD and return them to whichever faction won the civil war. This would cause the Empire/Ulfric to realize they are doomed unless they gather forces and initiate a covert preemptive strike against the AD, attempting to take out their leadership. The main theme would be the bloody and merciless slaughter of Thalmor. This would mean adding at least a new province or continent, which is what you would expect from an expansion. Otherwise, for a DLC, I would have the same sort of theme, only set in Skyrim, which would really be only to set up plot lines for the expansion. Nobody likes the Thalmor.
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I'll just add my voice to the chorus of "Shove It Up the Thalmor's Collective A**es" as the premise for the next DLC. :D


I was a bit horrified that the most I could do to resist the Thalmor was slaughter their patrols in the wilderness...

Edited by DragonShadow
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I would love the ability or option to become High King yourself. Also adding some living Dwemer and more of their story or history. War with Thalmor would also be interesting.


As long as it was longer in content than the little tiny bit we got with Dawnguard. I would like to see a DLC that was nearly an "expansion" in itself.

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I would love to see a DLC to expand upon the war between Ulfric and the Imperials, along with the Thalmor. Also tonnes more Quests would be a bonus, Dawnguard was disappointing in terms of length, and the ending wasn't the best quest ending I have seen from Bethesda.
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I would like to see a shivering islands like DLC set in morrowind, hammerfell, valenwood or blackmarsh, I´m sick and tired of snow all around XD
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I want to see more with the psijic order (perhaps vs/ necromancers?)- Maybe a questline with them that becomes available a little ways into the College of Winterhold quests. I would also like the player to be able to become part of their order if they are a mage, and maybe a champion or honored associate if not. Also, more dialogue for all three of the College of Winterhold followers, for the new questline.


Better yet, a questline in which a bunch of necromancers continue their efforts to resurrect Potema, and the Psijics try to stop them. You can choose either side, and you can perhaps even convert members of the College to necromancy. (Brelyna MAryon is sexy. Necromancer Brelyna Maryon is even sexier, teehee.) That would be ideal, for me. It'll never happen, because Bioware doesn't like using their dialogue system for complex things like that, but it'd be cool.

Edited by BartholomewFolk
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